Inukshuk’s Rock Climbing Adventure 1

20 Responses to Inukshuk’s Rock Climbing Adventure 1

  1. oldwooffie says:

    I think this months them is…. Safety.

  2. kitkat says:

    good luck rock climbing is hard but fun i went rock climbing in the Alps last summer it was so much fun :D

  3. coolgurl24 says:

    good luck and have a great rock climbing trip

  4. wolfstar says:

    good luck and have fun!

    Wolf star<3 <3

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Cool! Good luck!

  6. Glimy says:

    Good luck Inukshuk!
    Hope you have a safe journey!

  7. jmcs1966 says:

    Have fun and be safe.

  8. Starlight says:

    Cool! Have fun Inukshuks! And i guess the theme for this month is…..Rock Climbling!!
    Love Always♥,♫Starlight♫

  9. imadreama♥ says:

    COOL!!! :) I want to go rock climbing one day! Well I sort of did before,but I don’t count it. ;)

  10. midnight moon☻ says:

    cool! have fun rock climbing and good luck!
    -♫♥*midnight moon*♫♥

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