Ella Interviews Nafaria

It’s the interview you’ve all been waiting for – today I sit down with Nafaria, Queen of the Bad Fairies.

E: Thank you so much for agreeing to speak with me, Nafaria.
N: Let’s just get this over with. I’m a busy fairy. What do you want?
E: Well, I wanted to talk to you about the fight.
N: What fight? You’re going to have to be more specific. I fight with people all the time, McWoof.
E: The fight with Alyssa.
N: NEVER say her name around me. NEVER. You got it?
E: What should I call her?
N: Don’t call her anything! I can’t stand that…that…goody-goody! She robbed me of my rightful throne. She made me an outcast. She made my friends turn on me. Do you think I WANTED to be a bad fairy? NO! But what choice was I given? NONE! I was driven from my castle because of crazy accusations she made. If I couldn’t be GOOD, I had to be BAD. But I didn’t used to be. Not when I was younger.
E: So…you deny trying to hurt her?
N: This is what happened. Listen carefully. When she and I were practicing our spells, I accidentally zapped her. It. Was. An. ACCIDENT!
E: Why did you fly off and leave her injured?
N: Because. It was the one moment of weakness in my life – I was scared.
E: Why didn’t you tell anyone where she was?
N: They were going to find her! And I needed time to practice a spell to save her life. It was the only way she’d survive.
E: Did you know she’d sleep for an entire year?
N:  No, of course not! I just wanted to save her. We were best friends, you know. A long, long time ago. Before she lied and ruined everything.
E: If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
N: What do you think? Of course I would! I would be queen! Of the GOOD Fairies. I’d be loved. Everything would be wonderful.
E: And you two would still be best friends.
N: Yes. But it can never be, and it will never be so there’s no point in talking about it. What’s done is done, and our friendship is long done. I can’t stand her, and she can’t stand me. And it will be like that forever. My friends are my friends and hers are hers and we’ll never speak again.
E: That’s so sad.
N: Then learn from it. If it makes you sad, never let it happen to you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have many more important things to attend to.
E: Thank you, Nafaria. You’ve really given me a lot to think about.

55 Responses to Ella Interviews Nafaria

  1. Someone Awesome says:

    Nafaria sounds so angry and forceful. I think she’s trying to cover something up.
    This interview WAS a lot more interesting than Alyssa’s, though. :)

  2. KitKat says:

    This is so sad! Nafaria didn’t try to hurt Alyssa! I hope they make up. :(

  3. Webkinzrock22 says:

    Friend me! I’m Fairyland22 and I’m throwing an online party for friendship month!

  4. Glimy says:

    I think that this is what happened:
    Nafaria and Alyssa were practicing some spells. Then, Nafaria succeeds a very hard spell that she had been practicing for a long time and tells Alyssa ” Hey, look at this! ” and accidently zap her ( Alyssa ). Also nobody believed Nafaria when she tried to explain because, Alyssa was badly injured her.
    I also think, the reason why Nafaria was impolite to Ella was because that she had been so sad and angry that she can`t control her temper any more. Like she said: ” I can’t stand her, and she can’t stand me. “

  5. Moonwillow says:

    Oooh the tension countinues………………
    idk which one to believe!!!!!!!

  6. EllySilverStar says:

    Oh, that’s so sad! See? I told you Nafaria didn’t mean to do it, and she doesn’t really want to be a bad fairy! It’s just a shell! Do you think they’ll make up? Too bad Ella didn’t have a tape recorder handy she could have recorded the interview, and replayed the tape to Alyssa, after assuring her Nafaria knew nothing about her previous interview. Then maybe Alyssa would see. I can tell, Nafaria is MAKING herself hate Alyssa, but she really misses her and wishes they could make up. I think they both need to throw thier pride out the window, apologize, and FORGIVE. I think the two of them need to read the recent friendship articals. From the FFF campaign,

  7. mirihasfun1 says:

    oh no! i was always on her side yknow. i dont like goody-goodys (not saying they’re BAD they’re just… well. they’re… okay i LIKE them i just love the dark colors and to be honest, i like an open honest attitude… yeah. anyway i also like Alyssa but she shouldve believed that nafaria was telling teh truth… poor nafaria! i wont be able to stand it if they dont become friends again! they HAVE to!!!!! if they dont i’ll cry. :(

  8. Just Me... :) says:

    Hmm… The story changes every time…

    Actually, it’s kind of neat the way Ella is interviewing all sorts of different people… You get to hear from a lot of different perspectives. The hard part is putting all the pieces together, to find out what really happened!

  9. 111 says:

    ples stop logging us out! :(

  10. kittyfriend says:

    Sorry, her meaning Alyssa. :)

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