Even more fun facts about the Duck!







Pet of the Month here. I’ll bet you already knew that my very favorite food is Cheese and Quackers from Webkinz World. But there are lots of other things that we love to eat too!

We love to eat grasses and aquatic plants. We have a serrated ridge along the side of our beaks that lets us filter out the water as eat.  We also like to eat fish, worms, insects and amphibians like frogs and toads. Our wide, flat beaks are shaped a bit like a shovel, which makes them perfect for digging around in the mud for small creatures and weeds.

23 Responses to Even more fun facts about the Duck!

  1. Gabriella♥ says:

    I really want a POM Video!!!!! ♥


  2. CoconutCloud says:

    I just got the Ducky Face and won a Chocolate Medallion!!! :-D


  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I just LOVE the duck!!!!!!!!!

  4. The Elephant from Harrington says:

    I love this duck…. :) At my school we have this big bash thing at the end of the year where the older kids put up snack and candy booths. They sell cotton candy and other junk. There was a drawing for a Webkinz Duck just in time for summer. I didn’t enter because I knew my chances of getting the duck was one in 200 kids. It turns out one of my friends in my class won the duck…. I was a tad bit upset!!!

    @Webkinz Fan- I thought I was the only one that said totes!!!!!!

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow! I did not know any of these facts about ducks and eating. How cool! Thanks for sharing, really cute Duck! I am glad that you are Pet Of The Month! All the best! MDIChickadee

  6. Webkinz Fan says:

    This is totes adorable!!! I got it a couple years ago. I luv her! I named her Wingsy.

  7. puppys4ever says:

    I already have this one…but its still REEEAAAALLLLYYY CCCUUUTTTEEE!!!!!!!

    ~ <3 luv'n puppys 4 ever <3 ~

  8. scotlandd says:

    I have to correct it is Bills not beaks

  9. toons says:

    I love it. Just in time for Easter.

  10. liloldlady12 says:

    i love this duck

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