Purr-Cilla’s Awesome Party


Dear Diary,

Guess what? Remember how I figured my birthday was over and the party wasn’t going to happen? Well, surprise! Penelope and Janice saved the day. After I told them to forget about the party, they went to the park and started rounding up the kids. They told them about all the fun stuff I had planned, and told them that they could bring any friends they wanted to my house. And they did! SO many kids started arriving. I couldn’t believe it! And even though none of them had a gift for me, I didn’t even care. I just wanted guests.

And then guess who showed up?

The ‘Kinz. PLUS Salley Cat. And you know what? She brought salsa. And it was actually really good.

We all played games and ate TONS of ice cream and pizza and just had an all-around great time.

So what have I learned? Not to be so hard on everyone. And not to exclude kids to make other kids feel jealous. And that a party is WAY more fun if you’ve actually got guests.

Now it really is a happy birthday to me!


62 Responses to Purr-Cilla’s Awesome Party

  1. The Laterose of Noonvale says:

    You know what Purr-cilla? You have a really nice smile! You know what? it’s great to have nice caring friends instead of being sitting alone in solitude being hated by the everyone! *The Laterose of Noonvale*

  2. huskyluver says:

    Wow Purrcilla you really can be nice! Luv, huskyluver

  3. amby02 says:

    this is cool!

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