Purr-Cilla’s Worst Day




Dear Diary,


You’ll never believe what happened today! My birthday party, the one that was supposed to be THE party of the year? Yeah. Not so much. All the kids from my school decided NOT to show up. Why? I think it’s because they’re jealous. Or maybe because Salley Cat turned them all against me.

Sigh. Actually, the real reason is probably that they think I’m mean.

And sometimes? I guess I probably am. But it’s not my fault! I just happen to be cooler than most of the kids in my school, and it’s hard to make friends with kids who are so…so…UN-cool.

So the only two kids who showed up at my party were Penelope and Janice. My besties. And can you imagine how embarrassed I was when no one else was there? Can you imagine? I told them that I didn’t even care. I said the party was canceled. I heard them leave a few minutes ago, so I guess it’s really over. The birthday that never happened.

Maybe if I’d been nicer to everyone, I’d be having the party of my dreams right now. Instead? I just feel really, really alone. Happy birthday to me.



30 Responses to Purr-Cilla’s Worst Day

  1. ameliabedelia6 says:

    Good for you Purr-cilla. Your kind of funny in a way. I do have to tell you though that Salleycat did tell the kinz not to come to your party. I can’t imagine how embarrassed you feel. NOBODY deserves to be abandoned by their crush, their best friends, and… well… everyone. And I can understand if you got a little, to excited for your birthday. Don’t feel like a baby if you cry. After all, everybody cries. Oh and… HAPPY BIRTHDAY PURR-CILLA! :) ~ameliabedelia6

  2. M10 says:

    I feel really bad that no one came to your suppose to be awesome birthday party but it is kinda your fault for not being nice in all. I think you should try and be nicer you know like not bragging and all that stuff and maybe just maybe people will come to your birthday party next year. P.S. Hope this helps!!!

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