Roberta and Booger: At Odds

Oh, wow. I think Booger is turning into a control freak! He just came to me and said that I have to redo my yearbook page on the girls’ soccer team. That is so unfair! I did a really cool page! I brought in my own scrapbooking supplies from home and I used lots of ribbons and stickers and cute stamps. You should have seen how awesome it was. Then Booger looks at it and says that it doesn’t fit with his theme, ‘Anatomy of an Academy’. Well, I think that’s a stupid theme anyway so why should I have to do my pages in his silly format? I think flowers and bows are much prettier for the girls’ soccer team, right?

I told him that I wasn’t going to do redo it and you know what he said? He said he would just have to do it himself then! I said I wasn’t going to let him touch my page and so I packed it into my binder and took it home. I know he can just print off the pictures again and do it himself anyway, but it was the principle. I worked hard on that page and I don’t think that just because he’s editor he should be able to undo all that hard work.

35 Responses to Roberta and Booger: At Odds

  1. I love pugs says:

    1.Roberta you know that soccer is rough game.

  2. >^..^< Catkin says:

    I have to agree with DragonPrincess. Roberta is not being a team player on the yearbook team. Instead, she’s throwing a fit because she doesn’t like the theme (which has been approved by the school) and trying to change the project to suit herself. Can you imagine what would happen if she tried something like this in high school? Or at her eventual job??? Grow up Roberta, you’re behaving like Millie Pig.

  3. WebkinzGal says:

    These articles are lame to me, WHO CARES ABOUT A YEARBOOK!!!!

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    Oh boy!!!!!

  5. Oops the Owl says:

    Roberta, could u come 2 a compromise with Booger? I am sure ur scrapbooking is great~ but maybe this isn’t the right place 4 it? P.S.~ I LUV the creative crafts that u do, keep up the great ideas! :)

  6. plumfladoodle says:

    i say that booger is right ,whatever his theme means!

  7. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    He should not change it like that. I hope you can fix it roberta. >>cathouse2

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