Stoogles Birthday

It’s Salley. Stoogles party is going really well and everyone is having so much fun, but there is something that’s kind of bothering me.

There is a TON of food here. Googles really do know how to throw a party. The problem is that they have plastic plates, cups and cutlery. Do you have any idea how bad all that stuff is for the environment? It practically never decomposes. If they HAD to go with disposable plates and stuff (which I really wish they didn’t) couldn’t they have chosen biodegradable ones that would break down eventually? And straws! We don’t need straws!

Not only that, but there are so many of us all dancing around and eating and drinking that this stuff is getting knocked all over the ground and danced on and crushed. Everywhere I look around this party it seems like there’s litter!

And there is way too much food here for all of us too! So I asked Stoogles what was going to happen to all of the leftover food and he was like “Oh, that? I guess we’ll just chuck it.” Chuck it? What a waste! And they have these colored lights up everywhere even though it’s the middle of the day!

I said to Cowabelle and Roberta that I thought this party was really a drain on the environment and you know what Cowabelle called me? A party pooper! And Roberta said that I was supposed to be Stoogles’ best friend and this was a funny way to show it. Just because someone is my best friend does that mean I have to ignore it when they decide to trash the planet?

50 Responses to Stoogles Birthday

  1. anan262 says:

    Ok Salley, calm down. I agree that this is really bad for the enviroment, but just let loose a little and have fun. When the party is over, you can subtly mention it to him and help clean up.

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