The ‘Kinz on the Tropical Island











Hey, it’s Sparky! I still can’t believe the awesome surprise that Dacey sprung on Cowabelle and the rest of us – a weekend on a tropical island!

Our resort is incredible. We got off the bus from the airport and walked into this amazing open air lobby with comfortable wicker loungers everywhere and these cool, giant metal fish sculptures. Then we walked through the lobby to a little lake in the middle of the resort with a wooden bridge across it. Across the bridge are all these nice restaurants. To one side of the restaurants is a bowling alley with pool tables and upstairs you can even play video games! There’s also a big stage where we can watch shows at night. On the other side are some shops, a disco and a casino, but we’re too young for most of those. There’s also a spa. Alex and I didn’t really care about that but Dacey said she would take all the girls for pedicures there.

A little tram came and picked us up and took us to our rooms. The rooms were in these big, beautiful villas. Each villa had a big open courtyard with fountains or sculptures or giant planters. They were on either side of two gigantic swimming pools. Get this – each pool had an island in the middle filled with palm trees and plants, and they each had a bar you could swim up to and order drinks. Alex and I both love the red slushies here.

Just past the pools and the villas is an incredible beach with palm trees. There’s a restaurant on the beach where we usually eat our lunch, and a bar where we can get more red slushies. There are these comfy yellow deck chairs everywhere where we can just lie around and soak up the sun (well, sort of – my Uncle Arte made me promise that I would keep putting on lots of 60spf sunscreen, so the sun is actually bouncing off me.)

57 Responses to The ‘Kinz on the Tropical Island

  1. FunGirl says:

    Wow! Your vacation sounds awsome! Iv allways wanted to go to a tropical island. It sounds really fun besides I love fruit! Well MDI chickadee I think you should get the deluxe membership because you get to be like the king of members! Well hope that helps! P.S. How do you use smileys?

  2. gentledreamer says:

    Yeppers, i agree ccaterpillar. Salley was the one who ACTUALLY needed the vacation. Since all the work she did from doing the detention, but all the other kinz needed it too. That was sweet of Dacey though. Bonjour Bon Voyage whatever lol.

    ~ gentledreamer~

  3. ally says:

    that is sooooo cool.

  4. Gabriella♥ says:

    I think that should be in the Vacation List Thing. You know, the Travel Agency. That would be awesome.


  5. KittenKutie says:

    Amazing! Sounds super fun. The pools sound so cool! I would <3 to go with u guyz!

    <3KittenKutie<3 ;)

  6. Tiffany says:

    OMG! Lucky! SO lucky. *SIGH*…


  7. countrygirl says:

    I really wish Ganz would make another vacation for our webkinz.

  8. mojabako says:

    bon voyage i do not have a kinz figure.

  9. 196213 says:

    i wish i could go there i need a vk

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