Volunteers Wanted!








So guess what I learned today?

Sometimes your friends aren’t very helpful. Sometimes you’ve got to beg and plead to get stuff done.

And sometimes, if all else fails, you’ve got to bribe your friends with salsa and homemade cookies.

Stoogles and I had a ‘Kinz meeting today and we were asking our friends to help with the fair. We just wanted them to volunteer for one hour at a game or ride or booth. The idea is to get LOTS of volunteers, so everyone only has to work for one hour, and they get two hours of fun.

The problem is, EVERYONE wanted the ‘cool’ jobs, like making cotton candy or helping with the rides. No one wanted to sell tickets or work at the first aid station. So I offered cookies or salsa to anyone who took a ‘boring’ job.

And you know what? They STILL complained!

Eventually, Molly agreed to help at the first aid station (she said it could be ‘interesting’). Stoogles and I decided to take tickets. Yuck.

Maybe Purr-Cilla has had better luck finding volunteers.

48 Responses to Volunteers Wanted!

  1. dewdrop says:

    Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends and do something that helps others, I don’t care how boring the job may be its helping out that matters :)

  2. cymie says:

    i would love to help no matter what job i have it would be cool to work at the carnival :D

  3. BIEBERFEVER says:

    I will volunter to it sounds so fun

  4. Racheal6 says:

    I have taken basic First Aid. I would love to volunteer at the First Aid station. Giving out tickets would also be fun. I would get a chance to wish everone a good time at the Fall Fair.

  5. Livvieb2000 says:

    I will help! :)

  6. runningmonkey888 says:

    Yeah let us help!!!!!!!! I would want to do cotton candy or first aid!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
    PS: My username is plant888!

  7. Dakota says:

    I would love to help any time I dont need a prize. I love helping out.

  8. Rockstarcm says:

    Poor Salley. Wish I could help.

  9. WILL says:

    I AGREE $~Addict502~$!!!!!

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