Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives A GREAT BIG THANKS TO THE GODMOTHERS!!!!!!

This topic contains 33 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #801165


    Hey everyone I just wanted to start a forum thanking the two Webkinz Fairy God Mothers. They Have both sent me some things. They are totally The most awesome people on Webkinz World. I am really encouraging everyone who has received something from either of them to give something that you don’t need back. I know they say that you don’t have to but lets help them out by giving them stuff that they could eventually give away. I really want to say THANKS A TON! And I also want to thank a couple other people: momofreadheadboys and kerly10 Thanks to all these Wonderful people! YOU GUYS (OR GIRLS) ARE AMAZING!

    1. #809176

      Thanks so much everyone I have sent an exclusive to the Fairy Godmother I hope it is needed eventually.

    2. #809095

      I do not have much to give, but thank you momofredheadboys, LambTyler, Dogfish, Becky, and everyone else who has sent me stuff. THANK YOU!!!!!! ~Texas Girl

    3. #808700


      Thanks to everyone for giving things away. What a great idea. The world needs more people like you. I agree when my daughter has lots of stuff I hope she is like you guys and gals. Thanks again.

    4. #808585

      Idk if it posted but thx so much all you webkinz god mothers for making people’s dreams come true!!!!!! If I find any extra items in my dock I can give u guys a present or buy you guys something from whop, kinzstyle outlet, or curio shop. :)

    5. #808564

      momofredheadboys, cute135, webkinz fairy godmother,crissy135, first momofredheadboys thx so much for the road trip clothing! it looks awesome on my pets. cute135 and crissy135, thx for the harvest food i fed it to my pets they loved it! and webkinz fairy godmother from webkin fairy godmother forum, thx for all the cool clothing, i traded some but my pets still love plumpy glasses my mocha pup cosette is wearing them :). also a very nice horse named star who started this forum i think told me about this forum so thank you star. :) thank you for all the hard work and all the stuff you gave people, the gifts from you guys made me :). smile. thx so much i appreciate what you have done!!!!!!!

      • #809187


        Thanks for posting stuff here and yes that was me Star (my favorite pet) I hope that everyone that can post will say a thanks to these wonderful people.

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