Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CALLING ALL TRADERS!

This topic contains 63 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  KagamineAPnucka 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #595362


    Hi! I have over 200 Psi’s and tons of Sigs for trade. Lots of Promos and some rare clothes. All the rare themes, all exclusives all off the trading card furniture from all 3 sets + all the posters. I’m sure we can find something to trade LOL!!! Do you know what you are looking for? I’m looking for rare clothes, rare windows, spins and Fluffington’s armchairs, clothing Psi’s and this month’s new Psi’s. Thanks,


    1. #595451


      tripulonic wrote on 2012-05-03 at 06:45 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-03 at 06:08 PM
      Hi! I have over 200 Psi’s and tons of Sigs for trade. Lots of Promos and some rare clothes. All the rare themes, all exclusives all off the trading card furniture from all 3 sets + all the posters. I’m sure we can find something to trade LOL!!! Do you know what you are looking for? I’m looking for rare clothes, rare windows, spins and Fluffington’s armchairs, clothing Psi’s and this month’s new Psi’s. Thanks,

      Hey Jewels, I was wondering if you still had the Shell Racer for trade. If you do PLMK if you like anything on the forum “Turtle PSI needed!!!”, my lists should be near the top.
      PLMK Thanks!!
      :D Tripulonic


    2. #595445

      who has a varsity jacket?

    3. #595427

      hmm, any offers for thease PSI? red wolf swing, sly slide, black african rhinocerous set,
      spot of tea slide, wild BBQ, icy artic organ, burrowing cliffside slide, cream soda sprinkler, black and chrome paw stove, love pond, strawberry jammin’ jukbebox, and molten lava bed. PLMKSNOL.

    4. #595415


      Jewels did you say on a different forum that you wanted to do your two gem psi for my spins? Or do you have shuts? LMK

    5. #595397


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-03 at 06:08 PM

      Hi! I have over 200 Psi’s and tons of Sigs for trade. Lots of Promos and some rare clothes. All the rare themes, all exclusives all off the trading card furniture from all 3 sets + all the posters. I’m sure we can find something to trade LOL!!! Do you know what you are looking for? I’m looking for rare clothes, rare windows, spins and Fluffington’s armchairs, clothing Psi’s and this month’s new Psi’s. Thanks,

      Hey Jewels, I was wondering if you still had the Shell Racer for trade. If you do PLMK if you like anything on the forum “Turtle PSI needed!!!”, my lists should be near the top.
      PLMK Thanks!!
      :D Tripulonic

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