~Casually Elegant Interior Design Studio~

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This topic contains 215 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  webkinz244 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #697958

    Hello and welcome to a interior design studio that specializes in design that is Elegant and yet wonderfully Casual. How is that possible you may ask? If you are wondering it would much easier for you just to order a room and find out! How do you order a room? It is simple! There are only a few small and easy steps! What is the room size? What is your style? What colors would you like to use? Any pieces you would like to add to your design? Is this a room for a boy or girl or maybe both? What kind of room is it? Lastly what budget do you have in mind? These are a few simple steps to a simply wonderful room! Thanks~

    1. #840436

      hey I need a room for my black and white cat she is a girl, any room size, no budget. I am delux. thanks!

      • #840634

        Okay, wow forums are such a glitch! I did not see anyone posted, it says they have not for over a month! But I’m glad a checked! Not even a days wait! So, I this is an amazing room! I added one rare and two exclusive items, to the design. All being optional, but all would certainly take this room from wow, to WOW! I have divided this (large) room into four areas. Dressing, Eating, Sleeping and Living. I would like to use mega modern walls, and creative studio floors. Then in the walled corner put the Rock Stage TV on the direct facing wall. (in front on windowed view of wallpaper,, and center it. Now add 6 filmstrip Rugs, to make on regular sized rug. If you can get a neo gothic couch, that would be great. But if not a black leather sofa would work fine. Now use a rockin’ red lounger and a mega modern floor lamp. (on the wall with no windows. The mega modern drink bar, can be centered on the other windowed (non cornered) wall. Then two spaces in front add the Rock Dining table and four mega modern drink bar stools. If you have a zingoz chocolate fountain that would be awesome! (or any other chocolate fountain, but if not any awesome rockstar like food object will work, to put on drink bar) Now, on the wall farther down from living room put some mosaic mirrors and the Dress Costume rack, or even bette rthe Mohawk Puppy PSI! Now, if you have any other Fashion inspired items, add those too. If you have a neo gothic piano, that too, would look awesome in this room! Oh and I almost forgot, in the walled area of the living room use the Rock on Poster! So that’s! I love this room, and I hope you do too. Please come again and thanks for using us, even with forums glitching for me! Opps and the Rock star bed sorta floating in bottom no walls corner facing inward, so you wont see headboard from front angle! Well again awesome room! Please use us again!

        • #842639

          Thanks! It is my new favorite room, it looks great. I also need a bedroom for my red velvet rabbit. Medium room please, no budget. Thanks!

          • #843244

            Hey lunamuffin123, sorry for the wait. Forums have really been glitching lately. Oh well, anyway, here’s your room. I hope you like it. I know its a bit um,,,,,,,,, unique, but I really like it. Your base for the room will be Elegant Exposed Brick Walls, Creative Studio Flooring and six city chic windows. Add the windows in sets of three, on the right wall. then on the right left corner wall, directly under the window, add your pets PSI. The red velvet sofa. I am presuming you have it, but if you don’t let me know and I will come up with another solution. Then a Traditional Taiko Drum (posed up against left wall), and above that add a ruby red wall sconce. (add one of those above bed too). The finishing touch to this corner will be a wicker chair, (facing directly across from drum, three or four spaces back. Now for dining add the all stocked up display under the other set of wndows to the left. A space ahead add a Glass Topped Dining Table, and four Red and Gold Zebutons. If you want this area would also look cute with a bag of coffee beans. In the wall less corner add a Billiards Table, every pet likes to play games. On the wall (left) two spaces from end of room add a Zen master Mattress, and to the left (one space from the end of the room) a Beautiful Brown Mosaic Table. (with red roses on top) I hope you like the room! I personally think its aodrable! I will get your room ready at Lovely Design you will love, as quickly as a possibly can. I am so happy you like our designs so well. Well our sounds better, but I do them all myself.

    2. #834941

      Does anybody else need a room?

    3. #829727


      designer girl this sounds amazing! I will have to do the w-shop style for now, but I have your idea saved in a word document to buy e-store stuff as soon as I can get points.

      • #830244

        Oh, I am SO glad you liked it! I thought it was amazing too! I mean REALLY awesome. Some of the stuff you may have better luck finding (like the fireplaces and diamond piano) at trading forums. Also I would go with the Ballroom Wallpaper before the Deluxe. It’s way more Elegant!Plus I am a window freak so……………….It might not be there right away though, but I would consider it worth the wait. So, I will cut out my chitter chatter and leave you with the simple information that if you need a new kitchen or living room to go with your dining room, or any other room for that matter, Please, LMK ~designergirl101~

    4. #827485


      I need a dining room set up that is very elegant and BIG. I invested in a large room, and have one of those mahagony-gold-leafed dining tables. Kinz cash is no problem, and I’d like to have multiple of thiose tables, maybe six of them in total in the room lined up so they look like two big tables. Thank You!

      • #829117

        Hey pikapooka, I don’t think you have ever used us before, but I do hope you will again. I am going to do something a bit different for this if you don’t mind. First off, I will be giving you the option of two designs. One with objects you can acquire from trading and such, and one with items that are mainly w-shop, okay all w-shop. I think I will start with the non traditional w-shop version. Just because I want to compare the designs from a different perspective, which you will see in a moment. Okay so, I loved your idea for the tables, and will be going with that for both designs. I am presuming this is a large room as well, so forgive me if I am wrong. I really do however want to go with the idea of a grand dining hall, the kind that your webkinz may go to for a VERY special event, and such elegance that its almost as if you can imagine girls in flowing dresses floating around that floor. But never mind that, if you are going to get room here you may as well know that I am somewhat, okay VERY off topic. But you came for a design not to here me chatter about, well anything. So with out further ado the first design, for a non traditional w-shop room. I want to start with your idea for the tables, its great, in fact I love it! So lets put chairs of each side so 12 chairs per 3 tables. So, your dining hall will seat 24 webkinz! But you can add an extra 8 seats by adding chairs at the ends as well, IDK that I really like that idea though. Then two of the fabled fireplaces, griffin PSI, at the end of each table, with a diamond piano in between. Then behind the diamond piano I would do a china closet, which is sometimes at the webkinz estore, but if you don’t have estore points I would recommend Ms. Birdy’s Dish Shelf thingy.Even the bookshelf from the starry night theme at the w-shop would work fine. As for wallpaper I would recommend The MAJESTIC Ballroom Wallpaper and Floors would be great too, but these are estore, and so is the deluxe golden tree set thingy. So I understand if you can’t get these, and would recommend the Doug the Dog gem Flooring. You can that from trading and pair it with a solid w-shop wall, one of the light corals or sea foam greens. I hope this was not way to confusing……… So, here is the w-shop design, Its the same layout as the estore design with the tables and such, so, you 2 of the w-shop Starry Slumber Fireplaces in place of the Griffin Fireplaces, and a bookshelf from the same theme. I know these are deluxe items, so if you are not deluxe add me I am boxcarchild. I think that the same wallpapers would look good in this setup as well, but since it is the w-shop design lets add a light sea green wall paint and the Green Leaf Floors, or Campkinz whichever you prefer. If you have any of those Haunted House Moon Windows Left over from Halloween you can use those in any design with plain wall paint. I hope you will enjoy this design and chose us again, despite my rattling on, if there is anything at all you need please don’t hesitate to let me know! :)

    5. #824633


      Happy Halloween Box! I just wanted to say thank you for being such a good friend! I am glad to see you have new projects for your design studio! I sent you a present you have been wanting from WF today and I hope you have a SUPER Halloween! crissy135

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