Charm Tiara? Anyone?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Charm Tiara? Anyone?

This topic contains 26 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  loue354 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #624223

    Hey KK! I\’m really sorry but I don\’t have it! :( If I did I\’d give it to you in a flash! I\’m wishing you all the best though and I\’ll try for it myself!

    ♥ Ellie

    1. #624551

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-06-30 at 11:12 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 11:05 PM

      hobbyhorse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 10:17 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 06:20 PM
      Hi, I really really REALLY need the charm tiara! PLMK if you have it! I offer lots!!! Also need seashell shoes! KK

      i have charm if it is the tiara from fairy falls (the one you get from collecting all the charms) and seashells shoes
      i’m looking for witch i can add more like lion hat or infant
      let me know

      OMG!! you have it all! Ill make a list tomorrow of stuff I have. Witch hat. Well, Ill ask my friend if they have one and willing to trade it to me. Anything else you need.

      Hey I just got pink ears, slips, and charm. I need plumpy and rock jacket AGAIN LOL! That was what I traded.

      Cool! I had pink ears and slips! I do really need the plumpy and charm. But no one trades me because I dont have the best clothes. I tend to trade psi (psi collector over here!!). Well, good luck getting it!


    2. #624300


      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 11:05 PM

      hobbyhorse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 10:17 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 06:20 PM
      Hi, I really really REALLY need the charm tiara! PLMK if you have it! I offer lots!!! Also need seashell shoes! KK

      i have charm if it is the tiara from fairy falls (the one you get from collecting all the charms) and seashells shoes
      i’m looking for witch i can add more like lion hat or infant
      let me know

      OMG!! you have it all! Ill make a list tomorrow of stuff I have. Witch hat. Well, Ill ask my friend if they have one and willing to trade it to me. Anything else you need.

      Roxy, I have my own charm and I also have witch. Witch is worth way more than charm. You can still win charm, all the time, I’m about to get another soon at a different account. But, witch is old and hard to find. Darian took full hula and traded for plumpy’s glasses. She says it’s a better trade for charm. I really don’t know that much about it. I’ll see if I have any Pink stuff for you. TTYL Chloe

    3. #624298

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 11:05 PM

      hobbyhorse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 10:17 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 06:20 PM
      Hi, I really really REALLY need the charm tiara! PLMK if you have it! I offer lots!!! Also need seashell shoes! KK

      i have charm if it is the tiara from fairy falls (the one you get from collecting all the charms) and seashells shoes
      i’m looking for witch i can add more like lion hat or infant
      let me know

      OMG!! you have it all! Ill make a list tomorrow of stuff I have. Witch hat. Well, Ill ask my friend if they have one and willing to trade it to me. Anything else you need.

      Hey I just got pink ears, slips, and charm. I need plumpy and rock jacket AGAIN LOL! That was what I traded.

    4. #624296

      hobbyhorse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 10:17 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 06:20 PM
      Hi, I really really REALLY need the charm tiara! PLMK if you have it! I offer lots!!! Also need seashell shoes! KK

      i have charm if it is the tiara from fairy falls (the one you get from collecting all the charms) and seashells shoes
      i’m looking for witch i can add more like lion hat or infant
      let me know

      OMG!! you have it all! Ill make a list tomorrow of stuff I have. Witch hat. Well, Ill ask my friend if they have one and willing to trade it to me. Anything else you need.


    5. #624294

      dogfish wrote on 2012-06-30 at 08:25 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-30 at 06:20 PM
      Hi, I really really REALLY need the charm tiara! PLMK if you have it! I offer lots!!! Also need seashell shoes! KK

      Hey, Roxy are you looking for charm for yourself? Darian and I are looking for web, but have had no luck so far. Good Luck, i may check back In case you find a bunch of guys with charm OK? Chloe PS Hi Ellie, how are you, are you all well? I hope so, C

      Hey Chloe!! Yes, Im looking for pink clothing for my strawberry clouded leopard, Berrydreamcloud (I spoil her way too much). So far Im looking for charm, plumpy, and seashell shoes. If you find any of these Id be glad to trade you!!! Actually, I might want to pitch in with you guys and try to fins one for her. So thees more to offer.


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