Cupcake’s name team! ( hiring! :) )

Home Forums Pets – Archives Cupcake’s name team! ( hiring! :) )

This topic contains 126 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #823617

    Hello, this is a forum for people who need pet names, and want to help me suggest names to people. Anyone can join my team, and there is no limit to how many people can join. Have fun! :)

    1. #832866

      I need a name for a sig raccoon I want a name that isn’t too common and can be for boy or girl thanks!

      • #833819

        Joey, Alex, Kelly, Taylor (Can you guess what I am listening to.) Will rack up me brain tonight in bed thank you so much I am up late cause I am exited so I will think for you

      • #834476

        Hi Kathrynhappy11! Boys’ names: Edwin, Finley, Ellis, Elliot, Marcus. Girl’s names: Millie, Lise, Keira, Willow( can be a boy or girl’s name), Harriet. If I find more names, I’ll let you know. ;) Have a sweet day!~SC

    2. #832417


      Hello, I was wondering if I could have a job here. I have my own naming forum, so I have some experience. Please let me know if I get the job. –chocolate19

      • #833248

        Hello Chocolate19! Experience is always very good. :) Of course you can work here. Have a sweet day!~SC

    3. #831245

      Hi Snow! I found some items from the sweets and treats theme in the curio shop! :D Gingerbread TV ( the one you saw in my christmas room), ice cream bar fridge, and sweet and treats wallpaper( not sure if I already posted to you about that. If I already did, my apologies. I will send them to you( don’t worry: when retired w-shop items appear in the curio shop, you can buy as many as you want. ) Just trying to help you out on your house. ;) Is there anything from that theme that you need in case I see it in the curio shop? Have a sweet day!~SC

      • #831778

        thanks I know you caan buy as many as you want as long as it’s not rare (how many of 1 rare would ya get) thanks should look cool. Thanks sweets room is complete now

        • #832076

          You’re welcome! I would love to see your sweets room! :D

        • #832766

          Hi Snow! Do you play Zoey’s Design Academy? I just made my account on there,on it’s really fun. If you do play on there, I’ll tell you my username. ;) By the way, how was your Thanksgiving? Mine was very fun. My cousin’s Brussels sprouts were delicious. :) So were the cranberry sauce( my most favorite Thanksgiving dish), and the pumpkin pie that my mom made. Have a sweet day!~SC

          • #833447

            I don’t have one D: But Thanksgiving was good ☺ the Brussels sprouts were good here to and my fave dish (stuffing) tasted good. We made a cake and a fruit salad for desert and went shopping for Black friday. Also if you get a present from me on Christmas Eve its for Christmas Day okay but open it on Christmas Eve if you want.

    4. #831118

      Your on?!

    5. #830711

      I would LOVE to join your team! I have a lot of names that I’ve been thinking of! Please, if it is ok!

      • #831673

        Hi webkinzrules1234! You’re hired! :D And yes, it’s ok. Anyone can join. Have a sweet day!~SC

        • #831822

          It’s a not a problem. The more names…the better! :)

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