~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives ~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

This topic contains 192 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #761992

    Hello and welcome to designergirl101′s School of lovely Design. I have 2 popular design forums and noticed how many want help designing rooms. So I have decided that yes I will still do your rooms but I can also teach you how to design a great room. We will cover issues such as how to decide on a great color scheme and how many colors are too many? We will discover how to mix patterns,work on a budget and the importance of a well balanced room, plus much, much more.!

    1. #812274


      I really want to do class!!!!!!! I’m really want to!!!!!!!!!!! :) :( ;) 8) :D :d <3 LOL look at all the things. I don’t know if they will show up.

      • #812847

        Okay, so yes I do too. Are we friends? I am boxcarchild, if not send me a invite, also when we are both on send me a kinzpost and we can go to the classroom.

    2. #812272


      How about Saturday? Sorry I couldn’t get on September 8th!

    3. #811796


      What kind of pink chair did you mean? Oh, and I added a few things you didn’t tell me to use. What fountains can you use indoors?

      • #812164

        From the cafe’ theme, they are from, the same theme as the yellow dotted chairs (the bright yellow, with the black, IDK, almost iron\metal looking finish) Okay, so then I would advise the use of the toucan PSI fountain, or the retired exclusive elephant fountain, either of those CAN go indoors and would look great in your room. I understand these may be hardish items to get, so if you don’t feel up to trading for them try asking one of the many webkinz newz godmothers.

    4. #811793


      Thanks, the reason why the room wasn’t finished is because I ran out of KinzCash. So do you think we should get on some time on September 8th? You can see my room. I finished it, and we can also do class. Thanks for the advice!

      • #812155

        Op’s I think that posted later than it should of! But lets do a class the next time you see that I am on, PLEASE send me a kinzpost message, letting me know you WANT to do a class.

    5. #809733

      Okay so, smsmo, It was fun to see your garden room. I think you may need some help with the layout though. But I was not sure if it was done, seeing as there were not any trees. But I do understand that there are lots of different tastes. When would you like to do your fist class. Thsi morning would have worked but I have to go out right now, so what about tomorrow morning if we are both on I will see you in the classroom. Also I noticed the chairs you used at one table were not the chairs I meant for you to use. Sorry, but I thought the chairs in the same pattern as the pink, from the cafe’ theme, only yellow. The other thing was I thought you should mix the chairs, two of the pink and two of the yellow, at each table. I think the tables should use the back part of the room. The Couch two spaces in front, like a floating furniture layout, kinda. So when you get the other items put the coffee table in front of the couch (the coffee table which you will see I said to use in the design. With the bench a space back from that. Then use the beach arm chairs on either side of that. I would also say that a fountain, again would look fabulous, and once you get the tree and flowers, you can really arrange those anyway you want. It’s a garden so really want make it look more natural. Don’t get me wrong though, you did a great job, but I though I would offer my advice!

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