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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #782785


      Not trying to brag, but I definetely have to agree with you crissy that Smores is really cute :D . And I’m so happy to know that I hosted a party that just happened to be your very first! If I get anymore party stuff then I’ll send it to you. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen that wallpaper but if I ever do get it then I’ll send it to you! And to Gracie: That’s okay. I’m planning on having more paties nowadays so if I see you on then I will definetely invite you!!! You’ve been so nice to me! :D ~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily

      • #783428


        o my gosh smores cutest thing ever! I agree with crissy and you do you mind me asking were did you get her? :) I had fun at your party today we are really going to be best friends forever! :) we have had play days every day now, lets try to do that! :) Gracie

    2. #782834

      If anybody has a Country Piano psi, an Aztec Stove, or an Experiment Table 1 (I can’t remember the right name so that’s the closest I can get) can we work something out? I was just scammed by a Peppermint Puppy named Opal, she said she’d give me eStore points. Can we please trade if you are willing to give up any of those? (preferably the stove)

    3. #782920


      Does anyone have clothing? I’m a collector of clothes. :D Thanks! ~Stealthy

    4. #783138


      Remind me of your UN- I have some and will send it to you! Sorry this forum is not moving so quick these days….crissy135

    5. #783045


      Hey y’all!! Does anyone have an ice cream cone from Mr. Moo? I need it for a challenge. :D Thanks! ~Stealthy

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