Egyptian Rares Wanted

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Egyptian Rares Wanted

This topic contains 76 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  janeneongreen 12 years ago.

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  • #710333

    I thought I would repost this over here: I would like to trade for Egyptian rare pieces. I have rare, valued, PSGs, PSFs, and exclusive items I would be willing to trade. I might even trade my super bed for the right price. Thanks!

    1. #714109


      Jane I’m so sorry my account rxpired yesterday so I cant send or trade :( I feel bad I thoughr it expires nexr week! I’m trying to get a new pet so I’ll save the pedastal

    2. #714107


      I saw the clothes and at the momento I need aztec or just any rare from any other themes If you want me to be more specfic on what I need lmk

    3. #714080

      Well Jane I actually just finished the theme by getting the coffee table. All of it is for trade though!!!

    4. #714038

      JANE- I’m interested in either your Super Fluffy Sofa or Whale Sized Wardrobe. No worries on the rare, I do think I would prefer PSI more. Let me just check with a friend real quick about something, and then I’ll let you know for sure. Thanks!

    5. #714013


      Hay jane for my pedastal can you list,all your clothea and rares, thanks!

      • #714029

        I listed all my clothes on the second page. Is there a specific rare theme you are looking for?

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