i need estore points!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives i need estore points!

This topic contains 49 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  dancer99 12 years ago.

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  • #708079


    i need about 16000> i have lots of amazing clothing and psi. I also have estore pet foods and psi. I have rockerz clothing too. plmk!!!

    1. #712618

      Does anyone here have 12500 estore points? I really need that much I have: Main Stage Mic, Take Flight Bed and Winged Piano. PLMK if anyone here has that much.

    2. #712173


      Well, to get a Love Panda, I only need 5500; and for priceless, that’s pretty good I think since some people I know charge more than 8. Anyways, Let me know! ~Pokefrevr

    3. #711941


      Tennessee, also, I have army and I need points. ~Pokefrevr

      • #712038

        Poke-it would depend how many points you need for it. PLMK

    4. #711906

      SISTERLEAH- Just wondering what older Deluxe or clothing you need as of now? I know I have some of the older pieces of Deluxe and tons of clothes. Just LMK if you’re still around, thanks. :)

      • #712176

        Hi AliceIWL – I really need the Elegant Victorian Gown, The Pretty Prom Dress and the Swan Princess Dress. I like the Rockers clothes, but I have a lot of them. Need the cow clothes, monkey clothes and some other specific pet clothes. I really need a lot of older Deluxe Items, like 2010 and older. Thanks!!!!! SisterLeah :)

        • #713196


          Leah: I recently got the True Luv Wishing Well (eluvant PSI) and the rare retired blue lava, wondering if I could interest you in that. Or, if you would still like my Halloween Headpiece. PLMK, thanks. (PS: I used a bit of the points to buy the Valentine Cards Hat and the Sweet Surprise outfit-very interesting, but now I’m not prepared to get another pet. )

    5. #711896


      Hi i need points ( i need a pet) I have priceless, psi and a little more ( i think ) LOL Emmodd

      • #711932

        What priceless do you have? I have about 6,000 points.

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