Ice Tea Advice

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Ice Tea Advice

This topic contains 37 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  WebkinzRestaurant 10 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #843771

    Hello everybody! I’m icetealover123 (and I love iced tea) and I want to help you, like Plumpy the Hippo does– except you don’t have to wait a week for your answers! Just ask me a question and I’ll answer it as fast as I can. Please check out my other forum, too!

    1. #865890

      I love iced tea almost more than anything! Hey, does anybody get tired of making recipes? I have the solution! Visit to order meals from the Four Seasons restaurant or sweets and beverages from the Cafe! Take a look even if you don’t order anything! Thanks!

    2. #864115


      i love tea!!!!!!!!!!!! my friends dont like it and some of them dont like the smell.

    3. #861679


      Hi icetealover123! Do you like Chinese tea? I personally like Black tea and some type of flower tea. I’m not sure how to translate it from Chinese.

    4. #861523

      hi! :) when your acount has deluxe, but you cancel it, when it cancels do you become a regular member, or a free player

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