It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

This topic contains 212 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  passwordn2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #756009


    Hey there! Thanks for coming to my forum! Judging from the title, you should be able to guess that this forum is about the Neon Tutu. Here is where you can come to post your failues and the real recipe if you figure it out.

    1. #782156


      Thank you crissy, you’re so helpful. And I’ll send you some storage bins right away!

    2. #782062


      I will do the BV + Ballerina tights + All bottoms tonight so that we can eliminate that category. I will also do BV + Retro Rainbow Belt + Hats to eliminate that category too. I am friends with Narnian on webkinz but haven’t heard from N in an while:) Hopefully we’ll get an update from N! If you do have any extra storage bins send them along as I can always use them to store stuff as I stockpile….Thanks!

      • #782154


        Hi crissy, just dropping in to talk to you,. Do you still need the cloud wings?

        • #782194


          I always love wings:) BTW you never answered my question about food for your pets- are they eating it?

          • #782532


            Hi crissy, yes we love the foods and half my comment up there was cut off, See no signature, you can always tell, DF

    3. #781863


      Here is a review: BV+Rainbow boots+EVERYTHING=PW……….BV+Ballerina tights+EVERYTHING except all bottoms=PW……… BV+Blue T shirt+EVERYTHING=PW………… BV+Thick knit sweater+EVERYTHING except all dresses, shoes, tops, and bottoms=PW……… BV+Ruby slippers+EVERYTHING=PW………. BV+Retro rainbow belt+EVERYTHING except hats(I thought the belt had been eliminated but it actually hasn’t unless I didn’t see it). So, the Rainbow boots, Blue T shirt, and Ruby slippers have been eliminated. And to Elizabeh: I understand. I am totally okay if you take a break. I’d do some combinations but I’m still trying to recover from buying all those themes that have been taken away. We really need more people to help out. Crissy- maybe we should ask narnian? I think he or she figured out the Wild Watermelon Tee. But I don’t have a clue as to where to find him or her(Webkinz Newz is BIG!). Oooooo, I hope somebody solves it SOON and actually tells the truth. Do you need any storage bins? I’m off to find new recruits :D !!! Best of luck with everything!!!

      • #782771

        Hey chillylilly! I’ll try the Thick Knit Sweater+All Dresses and shoes. I so hope we figure this out!

    4. #780950


      Thanks for the info! FYI- I have 20,000KC saved to work on the recipe but I want to make sure I am using it in the best way possible to solve the recipe. Can we find an expert recipe solver to give us some good direction and I can work on it tonight…..crissy135

    5. #779882


      Hi, everyone; looks like we are all busy with summer and other WW projects, and are kind of slacking off on working on this recipe. I’m with Jane and Chrissy; this (and unsolved food recipes ) have depleted my cash, and my enthusiasim. I was so sure the BLK Vst / Ruby Slippers were going to work! :( How disappointing. Chilly, I’m sorry, but I have to take a break for a while. I know you wanted me to work on Black Vest / Thick Knit Sweater and something else. I will go back and look, and when I start on this again, I will pick up from there, but it will be some time. BTW, Crissy, “Anonymous” is Mosaic / Marisprincess

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