It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

This topic contains 212 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  passwordn2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #756009


    Hey there! Thanks for coming to my forum! Judging from the title, you should be able to guess that this forum is about the Neon Tutu. Here is where you can come to post your failues and the real recipe if you figure it out.

    1. #805800


      guys, i don’t think that posting the fails one by one will work like no one will ever go though and read all of them, if we want to get this solved, then people should by assigned what to try like someone could try black vest + retro rainbow belt + and everything and i think thats the only way that posting fails will work. just fyi. Les Mis is awsome!!!!!!!!

    2. #805698


      BV + PH + all tops, bottoms, and glasses = all patchwork. Can I have another combo chilly? btw it may take me a while to finish the next combo because of school but give it to me amyway.

    3. #805249

      Ok, so Black Vest+Thick Knit Sweater+ All Shoes=PW. @e3459d The neon tutu is a clothing machine recipe from the Kinzstyle Outlet that has not been solved for about two years. Hope that helps!

    4. #804870


      What is so special about this neon tutu thing? I’ve only had this account for like a week or maybe even less than that and all I’ve been hearing about is the neon tutu!

      • #805315


        the neon tutu is a clothing recipe that no one has been able to figure out for two years! we are trying to solve it and if you can help us we would be ever so greatful. #solvethetutu

      • #805325


        the neon tutu is special because 1. its soo pretty 2. its never been solved and 3. because ITS BEEN 2 YEARS OF THIS AND WE WANT IT SOLVED!!!!!!! lol. ~LisMisLover

    5. #804857


      Just to place on a fresh page the pants that do not go into the machine are the Boys Varsity Pants and the Petal Power Shorts. So sorry I canot work on combos right now- the new account is taking up a lot of KC- sorry:) crissy135#solvetheneontutu

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