Lamb’s PSF collection!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Lamb’s PSF collection!

This topic contains 444 replies, has 42 voices, and was last updated by  TinaKitty24 11 years ago.

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  • #815845


    Hi everyone. I have started my psf collection, now that I have finally gotten which foods I have in order LOL. But to list all the ones I need would take way to long, so I am kind of going to be listing them by groups of pets. The first one I am doing is horses. I am hoping to finish off the whole list then move to the next group of pets.
    I would appreciate it if you could just go over the list and see if you have any of the pets and psf. My username is Bubblon so feel free to add me. Thanks and it’s much appreciated, Lamb

    1. #823716


      Hi, do you need the Charming Panda, Grey Owl, Bull Terrier, or Flower Frog? If so I got you covered and you can have 1 of each! I also have 27-28 others pets so just post some pets you need. I can help you finish the frog family because I have every single plush Webkinz Frog there is! I don’t have the E-store frog though that was available for a month. :( Please reply if you need any of these. See you soon, oh and thanks to replying to the invite. It’s a shame I won’t see you there however I hopefully will see some nice friends again. Have a nice day!-Atom

      • #824362


        Hey Atom! I would appreciate any psf you can send over. Sorry I couldn’t come to the party. Maybe another time! Lamb

    2. #823713


      Hi everyone! Here are the dog foods I need:
      - Afghan hound (Chowlow)
      - Holiday husky (Gingerbread biscuits)
      - Pink greyhound (Ready! Set! Go gelato!)
      - Signature African wild dog (Wild beast brisket)
      - Signature Bernese Mountain Dog (Swiss apple quiche)
      - Signature Small Black Lab (Mini meatballs)
      - Signature Border Terrier (Continental breakfast)
      - Signature German shepherd (Signature schnitzel)
      - Signature small German shepherd (Off duty doughnuts)
      - Signature Golden retriever (Golden syrup pancakes)
      - Signature King Charles spaniel (Royal feast)
      - Signature Labradoodle (Labracadabra chow)
      - Signature Miniature dachshund (Tiny hot dog sliders)
      - Signature Pomeranian (Royal supper)
      - Signature Portuguese water dog (First dog doughnuts)
      - Signature Short haired yorkie (Yorkshire pudding)
      - Signature Siberian husky (Alaskan baked salmon)
      - Signature West highland terrier (Highland haggis)
      - Signature Yellow Labrador retriever (Golden rib steak)
      Let me know if you have any. Thanks, Lamb

      • #824631


        Happy Halloween Lamb! Thanks to some very good friends- I have ALL of your foods for you! I started sending them this morning and will keep sending from all accounts each day:) You are such a great friend and I hope you have an AWESOME Halloween! crissy135

        • #824898


          Thanks Cutie!! I hope you have a SUPER awesome Halloween as well!! And thanks a bunch for the foods!!!! TTYS, Lamb

    3. #823519

      Hi LT. The dog PSF I can get you are Chihuahua, Golden Retriever, Bulldog, Poodle, Pink Poodle, Old English Sheepdog, and Cocker Spaniel. LMK if you need any of these. ~mom~

      • #823697


        Hey Mom! Out of those the I need all except the pink poodle and the bulldog. Thanks, Lamb

      • #823712


        mom & lt, i sent some psf to wrong persons!!! if you could just swap items i’ll send more correctly tomorrow…confused jami

        • #824347


          Hi Jami. What do you mean by swap? Lamb

          • #824471


            i meant that you could send MOM the horse food i sent and maybe she would send you the dog food that i mistakenly sent to her…jami

            • #824768


              Ok I will do that. And thanks for the foods! LT

    4. #821834


      I’ll Give You The Sparkle Flower Sandwich, Fruit Oatmeal And The Painted Pinto Bean’s Salad. My User Is Desiree-Rh I Sent A Friend Request.

      • #822309


        Thanks for sending them! LT

    5. #820613


      Hi everyone!! I no longer need any of the birthstone pet foods, I collected them all! I know I say thank you thousands of times, but thank you again to all of those that sent!! I am going to be continuing with dogs now, and this will take a long time because there are very many, so please be patient! I won’t be doing all the dogs at once, (that list would be way to long LOL) so I will be doing it chunk by chunk. P.S. The list will be in the next comment. Thanks, LT

      • #821679

        Hey lamb! I have ALOT of dog psf, i can tell you the ones i have, then you can LMK if you need any of them. here are the one’s i have: Musical Dalmation, Sig. Bull terrier, Sig. Short Haired Yorkie, Cream Soda Pup. Clover Puppy, Rottweiler, Collie, Dalmation, Chihuahua, Husky, Yorkie.

        • #821806


          Hello ninja monkey! I need all of those except the husky. Add me at Bubblon and send whichever ones you would like! Thanks, LT

          • #823282


            Hey lamb! Ninja is meh bother so he has the same webkinz as i do, My brother will send over from flower99999 and i will send fom foxstar so you can get them faster :) ~~Ash

            • #823516


              Ok Fox! Thanks for all your help! Lamb

            • #825044


              Lamb, out of our list, we forgot witch ones we sent you. Can you please tell meh which ones you still need from my bro’s (ninja’s) list? thnx ~~Ash

            • #825298


              Hey Fox. I will take a look at the list when I have some time. LT

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