Let’s solve the Neon Tutu Recipe!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Let’s solve the Neon Tutu Recipe!!!

This topic contains 123 replies, has 63 voices, and was last updated by  kitty3119 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #698696


    I have a strategy for solving this. The strategy is: Black Vest + Florescent Flip Flops+ everything. I already tried Black vest + florescent flip flops+ all skirts, belts, and glasses. All we need to try is all shirts, bottoms, shoes, and hats.

    1. #714163

      Ok, we need to solve this!!! I’m guessing some (Maybe) are in the recipe listed below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: 1. Rainbow striped pants. 2. Flouresent flipfflops. 3. Retro rainbow belt. 4. Black vest. 5. rainbow polkadot shirt. HOPE I HELPED <3

    2. #708743


      Now we have to find out what the other items could be. Did you the Funky Neon Fro can go in the clothing machine? Maybe thats in it because it is neon and looks like its from the past. do you think Webkinz should have cavepeople outfits?

      • #708825


        I don’t THINK *note that i only think* that Ganz would put something not available 24/7 and a caveman costume would be cute.

        • #708984


          I was thinking that but This Is a recipe that people have tried forever to figure out and maybe, just maybe, that is in it. I would to have a caveman costume. Imagine putting that on a Dino webkinz!

        • #736267


          one problem I don’t know if the florescent flip flops will work because it is not striped and its not really neon But it might work and black vest I don’t know of that but usually it has to depends of the neon colors so its not from the pants But it is not thre shirts for sure

    3. #708367


      Hmm…. I heard someone say when it came out Plumpy said it was a “Blast from the Past” so I am almost sure that the Retro Rainbow belt is in it.

      • #708518


        Great idea! Because retro is from the past!

      • #714165

        Also could be black vest. In descript. it says Its A Blast From The Past

    4. #708303


      Ruffeld skirt came after.

    5. #708209


      Maybe it has Rainbow boots: Rainbow stripe pants and ? Now we have to decide what ? might be. It is not the Ruffled skirt.

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