Maddie’s Trade/Wish List

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Maddie’s Trade/Wish List

This topic contains 97 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  hershey111 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #810248


    Hi everyone! Maddie here, with a little trade list. Please let me know if anything appeals to you. I’ll be posting my wish list once (or if) this goes through. But its been hard for me to get back to Webkinz after school started, so please forgive me if I can’t get back to you as soon as you might have hoped. My Webkinz username is Madukayil, and I am always looking for new friends. Thank you for stopping by! –Maddie :)
    Molten Meals Oven (Fire Fawn PSI)
    Peppermint Swirl Slide (Waffle Wallaby PSI)
    Frozen Fun Slide (Glacier Fox PSI)
    Chocolate Fountain (Mocha Pup PSI)
    Cotton Candy Closet (Cotton Candy Sheep PSI)
    Tiger Stripe Convertible (Tiger PSI)
    Yarn Ball Sofa (Cat PSI)
    Racetrack Treadmill (Horse PSI)
    Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace (Clydesdale Horse PSI)
    Purple Tee
    Pink Bunny Ears
    Sugarberry Dress
    Vintage Glam Outfit
    Free Ride Zingoz Hat
    Zingoz Baseball Shirt
    Zingoz Shoes
    Zingoz Costume Shirt
    Hula Costume Top
    DJ Headphones
    Birthday Cake Hat
    White Knight Costume Shoes
    Fairy Den Dress
    Tyrannical Rex Slide
    Enchanted Elven Pipe Organ
    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Coffee Table
    Neo Gothic Side Table
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Emperor’s Settee
    Jumping Jukebox
    Zangoz Chocolate Fountain
    Nursery Playpen
    Superfan Walls/Floors
    Gem Walls/Floors
    Moonberry Greenhouse

    1. #817973


      I have honeys honey jar what do you want to trade?

      • #818126


        Hi! That was actually my TRADE list, and not my wish list. Sorry for the confusion! Let me know if there is anything you like on my trade lists: on is on the top of the page, and another is on Page 7. Thanks for stopping by! –Maddie :)

    2. #817869


      Hi Maddie, Yes it is fun sending Gift to friends, and i still have the Sly Slide (if you still need it) and not a problem about the wait I understand about trading, Just let me know if you want to trade and See you around W.W.

    3. #817009


      Hi Again Maddie, I sent you a friend request and got it, that’s if we do or don’t do the trade for the Polar Lamp Post either way I don’t mine being a friend in W.W. and about the Lamp I was hoping to get it for a friend I don’t know what happen to the other post that had the reply too it,anyway See you around W.W.

    4. #816738


      This is yet another list of my trade list, and hopefully y’all find something you like!
      Mazin Hamster Stunt Belt
      Vampire Costume
      Stylish City Dress
      Spring Fling Dress
      I Heart U Masquerade Mask
      Alien Mask
      Pink Butterfly Dress
      Glittering Silver Dress
      Shimmering Gold Dress
      Halloween Headpiece
      Fire Queen Robe
      Medieval Canopy Tent
      Blue Butterfly Trellis
      Antique Lamp Post
      Time Machine
      Sparkle Plant
      Flower Power Bed
      Cinnamon’s Candy Jar
      Honey’s Honey Jar
      Wacky Hot Air Balloon
      Gold Leaf Coffee Table
      Wand Sparkle Tree
      Cuddly Bear Plush
      Trading Card Dresser
      Trading Card 2.0 TV
      Trading Card Condo Bed
      Woolly Woven Llama Rug (Llama PSI)
      Double Decker Bus (Old English Sheepdog PSI)
      Lemonade Stand (Citrus Dragon PSI)
      Cool Pooch Pool Table (Rottweiler PSI)
      Blueberry Fountain (Blufadoodle PSI)
      Precious Purse Swing (Sig Pug PSI)
      Rainforest Retreat (Sig Endangered Gorilla PSI)
      Catnip Canopy Gazebo (Small Sig Grey Tabby Cat)

    5. #816718

      Hey Madukayil! I’m not sure if you saw my reply earlier, but I was actually wondering if you’d be alright trading the waffle wallaby psi (the peppermint swirl slide) for my sly slide. I could add shuts too, depending on what you think is fair (I honestly have no idea). Also if you don’t mind, would could we trade via kinzpost? i can send first, I trust you :) ~AQUA

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