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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 3 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #907986


      We really need to sort out the problem with trading. It’s not nice that we can only trade three items a day with someone! We should have more spaces to offer items. We should also be able to trade webkinz pets. You can buy them, so why not trade them? I think it would be fun to be able to get a new webkinz when we don’t have estore points. Speaking of which, why can’t there be webkinz available for kinzcash and not estore points? I had estore points from the estore giveaway where webkinz gave everyone free points, but it was hardly enough to even buy wallpaper! Please Ganz, consider making webkinz available to buy with kinzcash, and for trading! Thanks, Piper65PH

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    2. #907971


      I would like to see more plush pets and real life merchandise. I also would like the estore to be seperate from the W shop, it’s so annoying when I’m trying to buy something I have to go through tons of stuff that I have to pay for with real money. Also I love checkersleopard’s idea. Maybe also there can be more interacting with Webkinz, like Webkinz to Webkinz, and owners to Webkinz, beyond the chat.

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    3. #907840


      A storage container for furniture/objects would be WONDERFUL! I have a lot of stuff in my dock and both of my ten by ten storage rooms are full. Stage containers for these things would be much more efficient.

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      • #908256


        This is such a great idea! I have two five by five storage rooms totally full, plus storage containers totally full in those rooms, and I don’t want to have to buy more!

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    4. #907759

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.22

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    5. #907751


      You need to remove the estore things from the wshop. Or at least add a filter to filter them out!!

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