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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 17 hours, 31 minutes ago.

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    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #919590


      Could you please add a column for trophies won in the my scores and achievements would be a nice and quick way to see if a trophy was available and if you had won it on that account. We still need a roster for students at the academy. We have accounts with 100+ pets…its really hard to keep up with who has taken classes…esp when we are adding new pets a few times a year.

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    2. #919147


      We need more Halloween themed pets: Pumpkin Bat, Candy Corn Bat, Mummy Bat, Fire Bat, Zombie bat, Witch bat, Cobweb Bunny, Bat bunny, Witch Bunny, Spiderweb Cat, Black Widow Doe, Ghost Deer, Spiderweb Buck, Raven Wolf, Scarecrow Wolf, Vampire Dog, Pumpkin Dog, Ghost Dog, Candy Corn Dog, Frankenstein Dog, Pumpkin Pie Dog, Pumpkin Patch Pup, Zombie Pony, Zombie Zebra, Pumpkin Patch Pony, Saber-toothed Lioness, Frankenstein Horse, Mummy Cat, Ghost Owl, Pumpkin Pie Cat, Candy Corn Owl, Pumpkin Rat, Jack-O-Lantern Rat, Spiderweb Rat.

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    3. #918943


      This is my last idea (For now lol): A Toggle Button for the Kinzville Map. Ever since the “Create Your Own” Kinzville map was introduced, it really started to lag on my computer and make Webkinz reaaaaaaally sloooooow. I think it would be neat if in the corner of the map you had a “Classic/Modern” Switch that goes from Classic to Modern. In the Modern mode, it’s the town where you can create your own. In the Classic Mode, it’s a 2D Drawn Map of Webkinz World! Just like it used to be. I liked it better that way, too. (I know the new 2D Map would have to be updated, because of the clinic closing and things like that). Until you guys updated the new Things to Do, I had to wait forever to click my buildings to go anywhere. I’m sure if you put a button in the corner of the map people would love being able to view the Classic Webkinz Map and then go to create their own map whenever they feel like it. Thanks for reading!

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    4. #918937


      My third idea is: A bank! At the bank, you can open a savings account (Which is a good lesson to teach the young users) and you can deposit whatever amount of Kinzcash you want in the bank. This could be good for if you’re trying to save up for something and you want to keep yourself from spending the kinzcash or other reasons. Over time, the bank can give you interest (a certain amount of Kinzcash based on how much you have in the bank) for having your money in the bank! So it’s a good way to earn a little Kinzcash on the side. Along with the bank (Inside the bank) there would be something like an “ATM” or a “Coin Machine” where you can deposit a certain amount of Kinzcash and the Machine will spit out a coin for you to put in your dock! So you go to the coin machine at the bank and you want a $5000 Kinzcash coin, so you deposit 5000 into the Machine and it gives you that coin (You can have a 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 coin and each one can be a different color so it’s easier to tell the difference) and then you can deposit the rest of your money in the bank for safe-keeping and to get interest on it. I was thinking if you were able to get bigger numbers of Kinzcash coins, it could also be used for trading! If I could buy a 5000 Kinzcash coin I would use it in trading a LOT.

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    5. #918933


      My second idea is to be able to have a little bar at the bottom of the trade sections in trading where we can trade Kinzcash to a user instead of having to try and bribe them with our items or trading them a bunch of 1000 Kinzcash coins. You can make it a drop down list where you can choose 1000 and it increases by 1000 each time and you can even add a second bar next to it for 100s, so maybe if someone wants to trade 1500 Kinzcash they have that option to choose how much they want to send. It would also be good to somehow be able to send someone money through the Kinzpost, because people who trade in the forums usually gift each other and if one of the users wants to give the other Kinzcash for their trade they have the option to add money in their package for their trade. Or maybe you know a friend of yours is really close to finishing a theme and they only need a little bit of money, so you can send them some in the mail as a surprise!

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