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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #876845


      i dont think they should bring back tutors. why, because people will just use them on every pet they have cuz we have SOOO much kinzcash nowadays. competitions will not be competitions. they will just be as hard to win as webkinz newz contests (ive seriously never won in my entire 6 years of playing webkinz). im sorry if u disagree, but that is my opinion.

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    2. #876844


      i just thought of two AWESOME things ganz should do next year. 1. a webkinz summer camp in webkinz world! it could be like the clubhouse where u go to camp and u can pay for something like the spa in the vacation island that maxes out your pets health, hunger, and happiness! u could also have a mini arcade where u can win super cool stuff! it would kind of be like the webkinz stadium where u have mini competitions. and u could stay in a campkinz room theme place as your “campground!” so my other idea is this: since webkinz will be celebrating 10 years next year, they should give out a free code to the first pet that ever retired as a memorable reward to us players for keeping webkinz the coolest website EVER! i joined shortly after the 3rd anniversary so i know alot about webkinz and i know that every suggestion here should be considered. i love webkinz and i feel like it is a part of me now. ive played it for over half my life!! so plz consider these ideas ganz! and btw i loved the newbornz ideas. thanks!

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    3. #877013


      Oh I got it!! What about a Pretty Polka-Dot Pony?! It would be white with rainbow polka-dots! The PSF could be Pretty Polka-dot Pie. Still not sure about the PSI… anyways if you want anyone can say if I got something wrong or you can add on!! Thanks ~rchrissy

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      • #877554


        That sounds so cute! I would buy it! ~Queen

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      • #879789


        rchrissy – that’s a great idea! maybe the psi could be a pretty polka-dot horse wagon that the pony could pull! we don’t have anything like that. i would definitely have to have one of those ponies!!!

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    4. #877020


      Hey Gennelle! I recently found out about what plumpy’s glasses were…and realized that Nibbles wears similar glasses that are yellow. Do you think that ganz could make “Nibbles Glasses,” and could they PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE not be estore or deluxe? I think they should be a limited time special in the kinzstyle outlet, since the wshop no longer sells non estore clothing. Please reply, and I hope you like my idea! ~Chessie0519~

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    5. #877022


      I have been on Webkinz since I was 5 and have a few suggestions. First I would advise that the deluxe things be for all users. When I started this game almost nothing was deluxe but now Ganz has taken most games, food items, clothing items, quests, furniture, and changed them to deluxe. I know it might be good for marketing but I have spent over $100 on webkinz plush toys and do not want to pay for the deluxe. It seems unrealistic and I am now drawn away from the game. Next I would like Ganz to develop ways to get more money. Some ideas are: arcade games get more money (a few kinzcash isn’t a big reward.) selling crops get you more kinzcash (Com’on Ganz. Even the biggest of gardens don’t get much. Perhaps make growing time shorter?) have more surveys to get kinzcash, get more money from recess games, and lower prices for rooms. Finally I would like to talk about the Curio Shop. Sure I can go every day and get gems, but if your like me who never sold their gems, should have an option to sell gems that we have all ready mined. I know I could make 3 or more Crown Of Wonder but the W diamond is really hard to find. Maybe Ganz could make this item appear more often because I have spent all year looking for that diamond! I know this is a long reply but I hope that Ganz could listen to my suggestions and make them come true. Thx for listening! Gidagirls

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      • #878653


        yes yes yes! i do agree, ive spent like 300 dollars on webkinz, im 12 and ive been playing since i was 6. i have 129 pets, 8 hamsters, 5 kinzclips and two zums. u should let veterans like us get some deluxe advantages free. at least give regular members some more stuff than what they have. and guess what? I AM A DELUXE MEMBER, AND I BELIEVE EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE DELUXE STUFF! i love everyone, deluxe or not, and if u ever want anything deluxe i’d be more than happy to give it to u. and about the gem thing, yes, because i have all of the gems except the rare blue one (ocean sapphire i think) so plz consider all of this!

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      • #879780


        gidagirls, good to hear your suggestions! i’m also frustrated with everything turning into deluxe, but Ganz also needs to constantly earn money to pay the folks who work on the website, so deluxe isn’t going away. i’m hoping to convince them to make new things for deluxe and, once they get older, then make them available to the rest of us. what do you think? also, how many years have you been on webkinz? i started five years ago when my nephew was still young enough to want to play, but i came back this spring. i was really surprised how many adults are on webkinz all the time! :D

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        • #879782


          oh! also, you can trade your extra gems with Doug the Dog in the Clubhouse. it takes a while, but you can eventually get good stuff. just be careful, though, not to trade a gem you still want! :D

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        • #881683


          someone suggested that deluxe items (and i think deluxe games and adventure park packs, etc.) should be made available for kinzcash also. maybe it would be really, really expensive, but that way everyone (even poor folks like me) could experience the deluxe stuff.

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