Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,066 replies, has 1,470 voice, and was last updated by  qrax 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #926692


      It would be cool if someone made rooms that could that you to vist your friends!

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    2. #926518

      migrubbs: Can I draw your Fire Dragon, Doodle Dragon, Midnight Dragon, Sun Dragon, Galaxy Dragon, Snow Dragon, Mistletoe Dragon, Candy Dragon, Birthstone Dragon, Rain Dragon, Party Dragon, Royal Dragon, Rainbow Dragon, Halloween Dragon, Zodiac Dragon, Spooktacular Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, Forest Dragon, Glow Sea Dragon, and Orbiting Dragon? I probably won’t actually do all of them, that’s a lot! But you have awesome ideas. And do you care if I make some plush ones of these just for me possibly, if I like my drawings?

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      • #927187


        Yes, you can. But remember these are my ideas.

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    3. #926512


      The pet hybrids from the Facebook remind me of some of my ideas I made. You can use them if you like.
      Bumble lion: Half bumblebee and half lion.
      Butterbear: Half bear and half butterfly.
      Eleroo: Half elephant and half kangaroo.
      Moosel: Half moose and half seal.
      Hoppopotamus: Half rabbit, half hippopotamus.
      Rhinokey: Half rhinoceros and half monkey. With a rhino-like snout and rhino-like legs.
      Tycoon: Half tiger and half raccoon.
      Piggypine: Half pig and half porcupine.
      Koalakeet: Half koala and half parakeet.
      Pandeaver: Half panda and half beaver.
      Woolrus: Half sheep and half walrus.
      Skowl: Half skunk and half owl.
      Chipadillo [Chipmunk / Armadillo]
      Foxee [Fox / Zebra]
      Kittypen [Kitten / Penguin]
      Moofly [Cow / Butterfly]
      Peepsqueak [Mouse / Bird]
      Pupling [Puppy / Duck]

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    4. #925679


      get rid of all non related video ads on WW as they definitely effect how WW works as they try to run simultaneously and continuously cause google chrome to crash and freeze up and also causing shockwave player to crash everytime on all accounts we can barely log on before site crashes. dont watch those ads anyway unless it is specifically about webkinz

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    5. #925630


      can you think of any names for a webkinz lamb?

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