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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #931106

      Having a Problem with Wish Factory- It logs me out when I want to go to it. One of the quest said to make a Wish of the day at the Wish Factory. I can’t do that. I would like to finish the quest. I have made a Wish at the Wish Factory a few days ago, it didn’t count it. Yes I had the quest at the time. It was the first thing I did for the quest. I would LOVE to see DiceKinz come back. I love that game!

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    2. #931069


      10 years and i love webkinz :) i’ve been here since the clubhouses were buildings O.O crazy right? My only thing is, games are for EVERYONE! Everything is for everyone. Dont tell me i need to buy deluxe when i have thousands of dollars put into the game. Because its crazy you would ever. (to me free player option was a bad choice now people are just going to make 100′s of accounts) but thats your guys’ call. All im saying is, people (reg accounts) put money into your game. You know why i hated club penguin? You couldnt do anything without a membership. Dont be club penguin.. seriously.. don’t. O_o

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      • #933157


        tots agree, briannaa13!

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    3. #930792


      There is something wrong wit the Wish Factory (not just me I’ve talked to others) when you try to go to the Wish Factory, it logs you out of Webkinz World.

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      • #933156


        i’ve had the same problem with the Wish Factory. it’s when you try to access it from the menu. and idk if it’s just Chrome users or what. BUT! i’ve been able to access it from the building on the map – for any of you trying to complete our challenge by May 31. :D

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    4. #930575

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.38

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    5. #930118


      Webkinz World needs to make a Yellow Tang Webkinz!

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