Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #934008


      i think that Ganz should let us earn estore points because that way we will have something keeping us on webkinz, something keeping us interested

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      • #934356


        I agree.

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      • #935084


        rollysweeny! such a great idea that we should have a way to earn eStore points! how about it, Gennelle? (are you there?)

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        • #935616


          sorry, sweetie! i don’t think anybody from Ganz actually reads any of these posts. too bad, eh? there are so many good ideas out here. sigh.

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    2. #933946


      I was thinking of a fire room theme since Ganz is making fire pets.

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      • #935613


        that’s an interesting idea. maybe the bed could be a campfire bed with animated flames. it’d be a perfect place for my dragons to have a warm, cozy night’s sleep. :D

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    3. #933856


      I hope you can make some camping pets like: Marshmallow Fox, Fishing Porcupine, Canoe Skunk, Backpacking Raccoon, S’more Squirrel, Pack Mule, Hungry Bear and Boot Scorpion.

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      • #933876


        i would like to suggest that webkinz block people who post excessively and fill up the forum with junk. i’m out of patience with this! and i know i’m not the only one.

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        • #934788


          @crazycatcrib, I heartily endorse the sentiment, but unfortunately, instead of reducing the blather, they have encouraged even more inanity with this “social media superstar” idea.

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          • #935083


            linden, omg. groan! migrubbs, please go away!

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            • #935250


              Well! I Never!

            • #936320


              Guys leave migrubbs alone! They just like to think of webkinz pets and share them with Ganz. You don’t have to read their comments if you don’t want to. I think it’s fun that they always have new thought of pets. You sound like someone good to work for Ganz in my opinion. I’m sure Ganz enjoys reading suggestions all players had. If they didn’t want people to suggest stuff they wouldn’t have made the suggestion column! I’m not trying to be rude and I’m sorry if I was.

            • #937211


              CrazyCatCrib, “junk”?? Excuse me, but are you referring to stories? Or suggestions? Conversations? If you’re talking about stories, I always post on older pages where people aren’t posting anymore, and so do most people. I’ve never accidentally come across a story, someone had to tell me about new stories. If you’re talking about suggestions, it’s a Suggestions Forum. Honestly. And if you really detest to reading them, scroll down. I can’t believe somebody would actually want GANZ to ban somebody from the Forums because they didn’t particularly like their suggestions. Besides, migrubbs has good ideas for pets. If you’re talking about conversations, that’s practically the point of most of the Forums. Especially the General Forum, where you “talk about anything to do with Webkinz”, and that’s what we’re doing, Linden. This “blather” is what GANZ encourages, it’s called communication. Maybe a few people stray from the topic of Webkinz, but it’s generally related to some else’s post that mentioned something besides Webkinz in addition to being about Webkinz. It’s also very easy to get back to conversations you were in if you go to “Your Profile” and click “Replies Created”, then you click on the grey comment number and it’ll take you to that comment, so long as it’s already been moderated, so you don’t lose conversations if you know this trick. And it certainly isn’t hard to use.

            • #937750


              Guilty of going of topic with stuff xD Really, all in all, does it matter that much? At least I am not going on the trading forums and starting to talk about my Webkinz. Hmm, now there is an idea… Maybe we should do that now… *Just kidding!* From Osages, to personalities, to the weather, I think it is better having more conversations about random topis, to topics about just one particular thing. It lets you “get to know” your friends and other members better. I would rather be reading stories, and random comments, than have to read comments about blocking people because they are trying to enjoy the Newz. “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean!” -Bob Marley

    4. #933837


      Can you make some more birthstone pets besides dogs? Like Garnet Giraffe, Amethyst Panda, Aquamarine Seahorse, Diamond Fox (I want that), Emerald Dolphin (I want that), Pearl Lion, Ruby Crab, Peridot Peacock, Sapphire Elephant (I want it since I’m born in September), Opal Sea Turtle, Topaz Tiger (I want that), and Blue Zircon Zebra.

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    5. #933834


      Can you make some Bayou pets? Like: Bayou Firefly, Swamp Lily Gator, Jazz Bass Opossum, Jazzy River Otter, Banjo Raccoon, Bayou Butterfly, Lace Bullfrog, Jazz Sax Catfish, Speakeasy Bobcat, Flapper Heron, Pearly Salamander, New Orleans Bat, Lace Watersnake, and Trumpeter Crawdad.

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