Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #934613


      Would it be possible to have a storage unit for pictures,windows and other wall hangings?

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      • #935085


        bottomsup! what a great idea! we really do need some kind of storage unit for wall items like pictures and windows.

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    2. #934550


      Here’s some good pet ideas: Like these Magical Animals: Longwhisker Bunny, Twinkletail Mouse, Featherbill Duckling, Tabbypaw Kitten, Flufftail Squirrel, Prickleback Hedgehog, Fuzzybrush Fox, Gigglepip Guinea Pig, Muddlepup Puppy, Sparklepaw Kitten, Floppyear Bunny, Slipperslide Otter, Nibblesqueak Hamster, Woollyhop Lamb, Scruffypup Puppy.

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      • #937838


        Here’s more of these Magical Animals: Honeypaw Bear.

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        • #941180


          Littlestripe Badger, Snufflenose Mouse (Dormouse), Fluffywing Owl.

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    3. #934281

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.40

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    4. #934076


      I think that Webkinz should allow us to “upgrade” the rooms in our house. For example, I have some medium rooms that I wish I had gotten as large rooms. I wish we could upgrade them to large rooms. I will pay the difference between buying a medium and a large room, but I have medium rooms going to waste because I need more space.

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    5. #934074


      Could you make divisions within the Trading Room of the Clubhouse? For example, if someone only wanted to trade Rare Items, there could be a rare item room (or just a trading table in the room) so all of the people who wanted to trade rare items could trade with each other. There could also be sections such as for Super Beds, clothes, or food.

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