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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #937129


      I have a cool Idea for a new area in the game, We receive and win and buy all kinds of vehicles we can drive, but I tend to never use the 20+ vehicles that I have cause they are just so lame to drive around my house, My idea is maybe you can build something like a Kinsville Park like area that would have a track for racing or bumper cars where we can choose a vehicle and have fun like an Amusment park. PLEASE consider this :)

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    2. #937115

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.43

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    3. #937097


      I thought of some new ideas for pets: Chocolate Labradoodle, Bernedoodle (a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle), Pink Alligator, Candy Pink Dragon, Australian Cattle Dog, Big Horn Sheep, Silver Owl, Dazzly Dragon, Sheltie Dog, Glitter Turtle, Akita Dog, Spotted Pig, Purple Dolphin, Pink Lobster, Aqua Seahorse, Pink Dolphin, Pink Clownfish, Pink Turtle, Purple Star Horse, Tiger Shark, Blue Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Nurse Shark, Pink Star Horse, Great Dane, Keeshond dog, Pink Whale, Brachiosaurus, Lots of Love Elephant, Albino Burmese Python, Emerald Tree Boa, Eastern Blackneck Garter Snake, Diamond Back Rattlesnake, Gopher Snake, Rainbow Unicorn, Purple Octopus, Black Sheep.

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    4. #937065


      I’ve been a webkinz user for a while a while now, but I quit and recently came back after a two year break. Hopefully this will help the staff or other users coming back to the game, but I am making this list of things I do and do not like about the changes.

      (+) There are many varieties of pets and better quality
      (+) Webkinz is still a safe place for kids to place, I’m a young adult but I did not see anything unsafe
      (+) Webkinz is affordable and now has a “free” version for those without the pet purchased
      (+) I am excited for the Webkinz X I keep hearing about and hope it will fix a lot of the negative things I did find considering I just got a new pet to check back on this site

      However there are not all good things.

      (-) I do not like the push for Deluxe membership, I do not feel like you guys update enough to warrant ~$5 a month subcription. It’s worth maybe $2 at most
      (-) Many features are outdated and stale, in the two years I was gone I see very few new games or things to do. What things did exist are now locked behind a Deluxe Members Wall or a ‘non-free’ user wall for those without purchased pets
      (-) The website is quickly becoming boring for anybody but the youngest of users

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    5. #936950


      Hi, I would really like a bank in Webkinz that I could put on my map. It would be nice to be able to “buy” some coins (like the 100, 500, 1000, 5000 coins) that we could send to our friends through Kinzpost or like a bank transfer. Also, we could earn new badges and actions for our different levels of saving like we get for cleaning up the park. I’ve been playing a LONG time and have tons of extra cash but my friends are new and they can’t afford to buy the cool new stuff, especially when it’s only available a short time and sometimes I buy the wrong thing and send it. Maybe Fluffington could run the bank!

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      • #937050


        This is a cool idea! I love sending gifts to my friends but sometimes it’s nice to give money instead! A savings account is also a nice idea.

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      • #939320


        really good idea, lovlyhorses4! a Webkinz bank would also be a great learning tool for kids. we could earn interest on our savings, for example. let’s do this, Ganz! :D love to all!

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