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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #945218

      I think that for the sweet 16 theme there should be a coca~cola drinking fountain. Anybody agree??

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    2. #945213

      It would be nice if Ganz created more trivia questions for Quizzy’s Question Corner and Quizzy’s Discovery Zone. I finished all the questions for these years ago, which was disappointing because answering the questions was the main thing that I liked about Webkinz. The trivia questions on Webkinz are great because they allow players to increase their knowledge while earning a considerable amount of KinzCash. Another solution is that instead of creating more questions, perhaps Ganz could allow players to redo past questions that were answered already, maybe with a month-long waiting period so that it wouldn’t be too easy to earn KinzCash? Thank you.

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      • #946178


        For most people it really ISN’T that easy to earn KinzCash (personally I just couldn’t sit there and answer questions that long- though if you’re saying you have that much KinzCash maybe I should force myself to do just that :S) It *does* sound as though some new questions should be added for you however! C; I would be SO thrilled if there were more levels to Goober’s Atomic Adventure- (I’ve always loved Goobers Lab- in fact, it’s a large part of why I came back to play Webkinz C: Now I love both of these!! ♥) I believe some of the levels should be worth more KC when you beat them. The fact alone that some people might feel as though they have to pay eStore points to pass a level only to find out (if they DO end up passing it at that point) that level was only worth 17 KinzCash for that level? OUCH!! One thing I found out when I was playing with my sister is that you could give your friends extra moves when you come back to play- but not one of my friends ever sent me one of the advantages :/ (my friend list was completely full, but I know a few of the names on the list weren’t playing anymore) If you go into that game and it shows friends who are “stuck” on certain levels, please help them! I know from Webkinz Stadium Competitions, you get letters that say, “unfortunately you only got “X” place…” and it’s kind of the same in Goober’s Atomic Adventure, but you have to realize getting 119th place in the competition is NOT bad at ALL when there are nearly 600 players and you haven’t been able to do many Kinzville Academy classes (the same goes for Goober’s Game- your placement is out of all your friends- if you have 500 friends and they all play, & you’re just starting to learn the tricks of that game, you’re doing great, keep working at it!! C; ♥ (Sorry for the Loooongest Suggestion/ Response ever!) >.< :P!

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    3. #944653


      A “Sorry I couldn’t attend your party, I wasn’t in webkinz world.” letter would be nice.

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      • #944989


        A great idea. My friend Oats34WK lives in the US and I live in the UK, so we are anything from 5 hours to 8 hours different in time, so when they asked me to a party last week at 9pm, it meant 9pm US time, I assume Eastern time as Webkinz goes by that, so that would be 2am in the early hours of the morning for me and I will be in bed asleep. There is no way to say that I can’t come, only yes or no and no makes it look like you don’t want to, when in fact you would love to go, but the time isn’t any good, as you won’t be in Webkinz World at that time. The latest I could go to a party in Webkinz World or hang out with a friend would be about 3PM EST, to allow for being there a couple of hours. Please add this option.

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    4. #944642


      I wish there was someway you could tell when your friends were on last. There are a lot of things that require you to have active friends so it would be useful to know if friends have been inactive for an amount of time. It would also be very useful to be able to mute all sounds on the site so you can listen to music in the background. Some games have mute buttons for music but not for other noises, like quizzy talking after you answer a question right.

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    5. #944354


      Webkinz should make more pools that aren’t estore.

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      • #945225


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