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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 6 days, 19 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #947520


      Alpine Ibex, Cuckoo Clock Bird, Edelweiss Hedgehog, German Red Squirrel, German Knight Horse, German Wolf, Moor Frog, Glow Seahorse, Glowrilla, Moonlight Butterfly, Harlequin Toad, Northern Lights Griffin, Glow Sea Dragon, Zebra Lionfish, Radiant Otter, Hippie Dog, Sunrise Peacock, Retro Flamingo, Peaceful Camel, Tye Dye Bear, Spectrum Wolf, Groovy Raccoon, Painted Elephant, White Crested Duck, Peccary, Polish Hen, Harlequin Sheep, Dairy Cow, Angora Goat, Black Sheep, Shetland Sheepdog, Himalayan Blue Bear, Kiang, Monal Pheasant, Musk Deer, Pallas Cat, Tibetan Sheep, Honored Cow, Sarus Crane, Malabar Giant Squirrel, Blackbuck Antelope, Asian Black Bear, Lion Tailed Macaque, Grey Mongoose, Indian Leopard, Japanese Carp, Moon Rabbit, Rain Dragon, Shiba Inu, Snow Monkey, Tanuki, Tricky Cat, Glitzy Giraffe, Rhinestone Turtle, Tourmaline Seahorse, Gem Frog, Carnelian Dragonfly, Benitoite Butterfly, Prasiolite Fish, Crystal Peacock, Golden Horse, Lavish Crab, Opulent Hummingbird, Radiant Tiger, Fireworks Giraffe, Fireworks Lion, Patriotic Dolphin, Patriotic Donkey, Patriotic Elephant, Star Spangled Leopard and Stars & Stripes Pegasus.

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      • #947702


        Bookworm, Velveteen Rabbit, Luau Dolphin, Luau Flamingo, Luau Monk Seal, Luau Monkey, Black & White Ruffed Lemur, Hissing Cockroach, Leaf Tailed Gecko, Red Ruffed Lemur, Flying Fox Bat, Jabiru, Lemon Shark, Mangrove Crab, Mudskipper, Rosy Spoonbill, Saltwater Crocodile, Sea Krait, Swamp Wallaby, Celestial Giraffe, Poison Arrow Frog, Seashell Peacock, Seashell Seahorse, Hoopoe, Deep Space Cat, Brown Pelican, Collared Peccary, Cozumel Raccoon, Harbor Porpoise, Horned Lizard, Keel Billed Toucan, Mexican Garter Snake, Mexican Gray Wolf, Red Colobus Monkey, Tufted Capuchin, Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey, Red Uakari, Emperor Tamarin, Vervet Monkey, Patas Monkey, Gelada, Margay, Party Bear, Party Chameleon, Party Dragon, Party Gibbon, Party Giraffe, Party Lion, Party Peacock, Party Pig, Party Unicorn, Jupiter Tiger, Mars Rhinoceros, Mercury Rabbit, Neptune Whale, Pluto Owl, Saturn Capricorn, Sun Phoenix, Uranus Penguin, Venus Pegasus, Stitch Wolf, Quilted Fish, Ragdoll Lion, Polka Dot Kangaroo, Fuzzy Ladybug, Sparkle Octopus, Doodle Dragon, Diplodocus, Saichania, Corythosaurus, Struthiomimus, Basilosaurus, Deinonychus, Oviraptor, Spinosaurus, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, Microraptor, Pachycephalosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Iguanodon and Dimorphodon.

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    2. #947512


      Webkinz Gem

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    3. #947463


      We need some magical animals like: Longwhisker Bunny, Twinkletail Mouse, Featherbill Duckling, Tabbypaw Kitten, Fuzzybrush Fox, Gigglepip Guinea Pig, Flufftail Squirrel, Prickleback Hedgehog, Honeypaw Bear, Snufflenose Dormouse, Littlestripe Badger, Fluffywing Owl, Slipperslide Otter, Woollyhop Lamb, Nibblesqueak Hamster, Muddlepup Puppy, Sparklepaw Kitty, Floppyear Bunny, Dappletrot Pony.

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    4. #947410


      Lesula Monkey, River Manatee, Red Bellied Piranha, Blue Throated Macaw, Gold Headed Tamarin, Amazon River Dolphin, Leaf Cutter Ant, Three Toed Sloth, Black Jaguar, Red Howler Monkey, Basilisk Lizard, Tent Bat, Green Anaconda, Tayra, Egyptian Scarab, Scarlet Ibis, Sand Fox, Blue Ring Octopus, Picasso Triggerfish, Pompom Crab, Mandarin Fish, Cuttlefish, Parrotfish, Horseshoe Crab, Axolotl, Arabian Ostrich, Arabian Stallion, Bazaar Monkey, Caravan Camel, Desert Caracal, Persian Leopard, Arctic Collard Lemming, Arctic Seal, Arctic Snowy Owl, Brown Hare, Dhole, Malayan Tapir, Origami Crane, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Roseate Cockatoo, Temple Lion, Autumn Alpaca, Autumn Deer, Autumn Gorilla, Autumn Hedgehog, Autumn Horse, Autumn Kit Fox, Autumn Meerkat, Autumn Monkey, Autumn Moose, Autumn Ocelot, Autumn Tiger, Autumn Zebra, Thanksgiving Turkey, Bayou Firefly, Swamp Lily Gator, Jazz Bass Opossum, Jazzy River Otter, Banjo Raccoon, Bayou Butterfly, Lace Bullfrog, Jazz Sax Catfish, Speakeasy Bobcat, Butterfly Wing Unicorn, Flapper Heron, Pearly Salamander, New Orleans Bat, Lace Watersnake, and Trumpeter Crawdad.

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      • #947464


        Sunbathing Seal, Beach Ball Crab, Hot Dog Seagull, Floaty Sea Turtle, Snorkel Giraffe, Surfer Dog, Sea Glass Starfish, Summer Sea Serpent, Beach Pail Elephant, Blue Spotted Jellyfish, Volleyball Dolphin, Hermit Crab, Stork, Seagull, Temminck´s Tragopan, Secretary Bird, Great Blue Heron, Broad Billed Hummingbird, Himalaya Monal, Green Parakeet, African Yellow Hornbill, Andean Cock of the Rock, Hyacinth Macaw, Flame Phoenix, Goura Victoria, Lorikeet, Peach Faced Lovebird, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo, Fire Peacock, Gouldian Finch, Painted Bunting, Blue Parakeet, Balloon Giraffe, Birthday Jack Rabbit, Piñata Lion, Birthday Pony, Balloonicorn, Ribbon Phoenix, Cupcake Snail, Piñata Hippo, Cupcake Penguin, Balloon Kitten, Birthday Cake Bear, Birthday Candle Goat, Birthday Kangaroo, Birthday Rainbow Peacock, Confetti Griffin, Cupcake Seal, Party Cheetah, Piñata Giraffe, Sprinkles Elephant, Pygmy 3 Toed Sloth, Roller Skates Ferret, Birthstone Dragon, Aquamarine Seahorse, Amethyst Panda, Garnet Giraffe, Blue Zircon Zebra, Topaz Tiger, Sapphire Elephant, Peridot Peacock, Ruby Crab, Opal Sea Turtle, Pearl Lion, Emerald Dolphin, and Diamond Fox.

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        • #947506


          Blue Collie, Bright Albino Peacock, Fuzzy Yellow Lionfish, Mandarin Dragonet, Mandarin Duck, Mantis Shrimp, Red Garter Snake, Tropical Mandrill, Barbary Lion, Green Cheeked Parrot, Lowland Gorilla, Numbat, Peregrine Falcon, Royal Persian Angora Chinchilla, Norwegian Lemming, Moonlight Jerboa, Marbled Polecat, Naked Mole Rat, Peruvian Guinea Pig, Blue Degu, Tree Porcupine, Genet, Earth Turtle, Electric Mouse, Flame Monkey, Icicle Unicorn, Stone Gorilla, Storm Wolf, Tidal Phoenix, Windy Bird, British Badger, English Lion, English Robin, Forest Polecat, Green Dragon, Hazel Dormouse, Roe Deer, Scholarly Raven, Smooth Snake, Quagga, Passenger Pigeon, Giant Kangaroo, Archaeopteryx, Megalodon, Paraceratherium, Phenacodus, Horned Gopher, Gigantopithecus, Mastodon, Bell Mouse, Gilded Peacock, Flower Fawn, Iridescent Hummingbird, Pixie Pony, Fable Fox, Moon Cow, Quail, Clockwork Griffin, Golf Course Gopher, Jacana, Thoroughbred Horse, Marsupial Frog, Mimic Poison Dart Frog, Largemouth Bass, Rhea, and Golden Jackal.

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    5. #947408


      Primrose Tiger, Mint Tiger, Rainbow Giraffe, Christmas Giraffe, Patriotic Giraffe, Ruby Giraffe, Violet Giraffe, Green Giraffe, Rainbow Bear, Blaze Bear, Maple Bear, Seafoam Bear, Tropical Penguin, Magenta Penguin, Ice Penguin, Candy Cane Penguin, Rainbow Dragon, Ember Dragon, Princess Dragon, Rainbow Monkey, Love Monkey, Desert Monkey, Blueberry Monkey, Flame Fox, Bubblegum Fox, Lightning Fox, Lime Fox, Rainbow Phoenix, Periwinkle Phoenix, Snow Phoenix, Tropic Phoenix, Blizzard Otter, Fire Otter, Lunar Otter, Sunshine Otter, Rainbow Deer, Pink Deer, Auburn Deer, Flashfire Bunny, Love Bunny, Indigo Bunny, Mint Bunny, Rainbow Seal, Christmas Seal, Sunny Seal, Azure Seal, Black Seal, Rainbow Toucan, Tropic Toucan, Frost Toucan, Amethyst Toucan, Flashfire Porcupine, Icicle Porcupine, Gemstone Porcupine, Swamp Porcupine, Rainbow Skunk, Pink Skunk, Mauve Skunk, Jungle Skunk, Rainbow Elephant, Polka Dot Elephant, Pink Elephant, Midnight Elephant, Pastel Pegasus, Sunny Pegasus, Cloud Pegasus, Rainbow Hyena, Fire Hyena, Purple Hyena, Citrus Hyena, Rainbow Lion, Fire Lion, Aqua Lion, White Lion, Rainbow Hippo, Watermelon Hippo, Striped Hippo, Red Hippo, Fire Owl, Spooky Owl, Ice Owl, Pink Owl, Green Owl, Golden Turtle, Rainbow Turtle, Amethyst Turtle, Summer Turtle, Blue Turtle, Rainbow Kangaroo, Red Kangaroo, Blue Kangaroo, Green Kangaroo, Rainbow Octopus, Fire Octopus, Blue Octopus, and Green Octopus.

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      • #947482


        Dapper Panda, Winged White Tiger, Forest Dragon, Jewel Pegasus, Jewel Fish, Sprinkle Giraffe, Ribbon Pony, Rainbow Glow Tiger, Fairytale Dragon, Snowflake Peacock, Snowflake Pegasus, Unicorn Dragon, Flame Pegasus, Halloween Dragon, Ghost Wolf, Sun Dragon, Moon Phoenix, Diamond Lion, Rainbow Griffin, Shadowcorn, Neon Wolf, Glow Polar Bear, Flying Panda, Sky Whale, Americana Dalmatian, Patriotic Peacock, Fire Red Panda, Typhoon Pegasus, Borneo Giant Squirrel, Borneo Bay Cat, Leaf Chameleon, Butterfly Elephant, Butterfly Wing Giraffe, Siamese Butterfly Cat, Canoe Skunk, Marshmallow Fox, S’more Squirrel, Fishing Porcupine, Candy Apple Panda, Candy Corn Kitten, Candy Dragon, Candy Peppermint Giraffe, Chocolate Squirrel, Cotton Candy Fox, Gum Ball Pig, Gum Drop Ladybug, Gummy Bear, Strawberry Cream Cow, Taffy Dog, Rainbow Angel Kitty, Cheeseburger Cat, Sprinkles Cat, Aurora Panther, Cosmic Serpent, Constellation Dolphin, Solar Griffin, Galaxy Dragon, Twilight Horse, Ringed Hippo, Nebula Lion, Starry-Eyed Pup, Astral Axolotl, and Sparkle Bat.

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        • #947510


          Flora Fox, Spring Hummingbird, Cacto-Bunny, Chrysanthe-Pup, Orchid Butterfly, Sunflower Giraffe, Gracidea Hedgehog, Flower Phoenix, Rose Pony, Flower-Saurian, Tulip Kitten, Dande-Lion, Petunia Bunny, Bouquet Elephant, Daisy Mouse, Diamond Dolphin, Elegant Hummingbird, Hydrangea Giraffe, Pearlescent Butterfly, Wisteria Fox, Fireworks Butterfly, American Badger, Patriotic Bear, Kodiak Bear, Hawaiian Nene, Wild Mustang, Florida Panther, Rocky Mountain Elk, Right Whale, Bedtime Bat, Aquamarine Elephant, Rune Dragon, Fire Tiger, Volcano Phoenix, Glacier Bear, Snow Bear, Flame Griffin, Sunshine Pegasus, Golden Zebra, Dark Phoenix, Monarch Pegasus, Nine Tailed Fox, Leopard Eagle, Giraffe Angel, Rainbow Zebra Pegasus, Rainbow Betta, Crimson Betta, Azure Betta, Emerald Betta, Fuschia Betta, Midnight Betta, Flame Butterfly, Lava Lizard, Lava Gull, Darwin’s Zorro, Honey Possum, Marine Iguana, Galapagos Fur Seal, Galapagos Finch, White Tip Shark, Sunda Pangolin, Red Footed Booby, Blue Footed Booby, Lightfoot Crab, and Peppered Moth.

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