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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 5 days, 12 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #949590


      To be honest… the new Webkinz World really sucks. Everything has changed and it’s not even fun anymore. What was even the need to update it like THIS??? The rooms arn’t as clear (HD) as they were before, the items in the rooms started dissapearing (such as pet specialty items), you can’t even go on some of the pet specialty items anymore, there is a big blob at the pools, furniture dissapeared, items at home didn’t work the way it did before (like play music… it’s just plain dull now), I find the webkinz homes were WAY better before, stuff like the arcade looks too small now, and the hunger for pets go down way too fast. Why did you guys have to change SO much of Webkinz World when it was perfect the way it was before??? Everyone that I know who USED to play it says it’s terrible now because of the new update. Lot’s of people played Webkinz around my age. It was like the thing back then. We were always very excited when we got a new webkinz. I remember the only thing I ever wanted at my Birthday, new years, and Christmas was a new webkinz. It was perfect the way it was back then, and you guys should’ve kept it that way!! The new youngsters would probably have a totally different impression of webkinz world if you kept it like how it was back then! Maybe even more kids playing it. Now webkinz is just lagging all the time, and looks horrible. When the webkiz app came out I was pretty dissapointed too since it looked so non HD and dull. If it looked like how it did on the computer I probably wouldn’t have deleted the app. The new layout was a bad choice in my opinion. Bad. In my opinion you guys shouldn’t have updated so much of webkiz world. It was a terrible idea. No offence to who designed it.

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      • #949831


        Some of the things they ruined will be fixed, but not all. Mazin’ Hamsters is about to be removed entirely, and it already doesn’t work. Basically, Webkinz was awesome but now it kind of sucks. Most of the good Arcade games are now Deluxe-Only, it takes about 15 seconds for my pet’s Hunger level to drop from 100% to 0%, everything glitches, and most of the best features have been removed.

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        • #950153


          I agree, most of the best features have been removed. There is just too much change in webkinz now. It doesn’t even give the same feel. I don’t see why they needed to change so much of webinz when it was perfectly fine the way it was before. I get that they probably just wanted a change, but I think a lot of people would have loved if they just kept it the way it was. Now when I log on webkinz it kinda just feels like a horribly designed online game. They took away way too many features that made people like webkinz. They especially took a lot of things away from the webkinz homes. Which is basically one of the main reason a lot of people still played webkinz. A lot of room themes are gone and the new ones are mostly for those e store points or deluxe membership. They make people spend money just to get the webkinz, and they make so many things in webkinz world only for deluxe and those e store points or something—making people spend even more money. It’s not even worth it to spend money in webkinz world now, since everything turned so bad.

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    2. #949470


      I really want a room delete button because I was poor and I bought a small room for my dining room but I have 10 pets ( I don’t have ten yet but I bought a mocha pup and a porcupine and when I started webkinz I only had 2 pets) now I’m really sad, I want a medium sized room for my dining room but since there is no button for delete room I can’t, GANZ I know this is pressure but it’ll make a better experience for all Webkinz World players. Thank you if you can :)

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    3. #949194

      I would love to have our special pet foods and regular w-shop foods separated into 2 different categories… makes it very difficult to grant a pet’s request when you have pages of foods to scroll through. Thanks!!

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    4. #949118


      I would like it if the lettering size on the rooms were smaller like before the update so I can read the full description of my room names.

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    5. #949095


      I think there is something very wrong with the oak paneled pool. There is a very big blue thing above it, it has this strange transparent thing going on with it and it also has these weird lines all around it. I tried to take it out of my room and put it back in to see if it just needed to update, but that didn’t work. When I had my pet go inside of the pool, it didn’t move like it would normally, but rather just stayed in place and had these lines that were going through my pet. It doesn’t seem to affect the way that you play at all, with the happiness still going up if my pet is inside. It’s more of an eyesore, if anything. I guess I will just have to put it in my inventory until it is fixed. That’s too bad.

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      • #949188


        I know and guess what there are tons of annoying glitches where items won’t show up or webkinz world won’t load!! Also does anyone know the email for Ganz?

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