Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #953647


      It would be great to get trophies for Home Before Dark and Colour Storm. Those are my two favourite arcade games and earn decent kinzcash, but a trophy would be a nice bonus to playing them for extended periods of time. I’d prefer Pass X Level or Earn X Points over a random chance one. Also, I’m running out of Quizzy’s Corner and Discovery Zone questions, so it would be really awesome to either give out (much) more kinzcash in the arcade, make more questions, or allow us to redo completed series. Since the Webkinz X Update, almost all my daily activity kinzcash, has gone towards buying food for my pets (apples), and I need other sources of income for Challenges, rare items, decorating, etc.

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    2. #953442


      Please return tree top rooms to green leaves, the orange is hideous looking with bird nests, etc. Thanks for your consideration. Itmustbe nice

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    3. #953441


      Please put the tree tops back to green. The orange is hideous looking.Thanks for listening. Itmustbenice

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    4. #953413


      Could Webkinz make a system where you could trade 10kc for 1 eStore point? I think that many people would be happier if they did something like this.

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    5. #953417

      Caralysse, there’s an email for webkinz support if you’re having trouble. No, they don’t get back to you as quickly as the phone, but it is within a day or so. It’s

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