Make Suggestions!

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #978626


      Gennelle Webkinz, Would you please ask the design team to make more buildings to put in our outdoor rooms? I love the new Kinzville Times newsstand I received and the only buildings are the Christmas themed ones. I am trying to make a town and it would be great to have a Wshop, Curio shop and maybe repurpose some of the wonderful Webkinz Friends buildings like the Gazette and Le Bistro. They were so beautiful. Also we need some new trees and shrubs. Of course I want them to be for sale at the WShop for KC not eStore points! Thanks

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    2. #978444


      PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make it so that we can sell back rooms! I have way to big a house and so many rooms I don’t want and would really love it if I could sell them back and make it smaller.

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      • #978614


        Yes! i have so many rooms that have no use now. It would be GRReat if we could sell back rooms!

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    3. #978326


      Get rid of the “Great Work! Your fabulous farming has harvested …” pop up that makes you click “OK” after every crop is harvested. You only get 1 item per harvest now so it’s unnecessary. Gardening would go much faster without having to click OK after each individual crop harvest.

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    4. #978168

      Ya know what would be AMAZING AND EXTREMELY USEFUL? If you could give your Webkinz friends name tags or nicknames! It would be useful to help remember which people are which. Like, if someone you friended from WebkinzNewz doesn’t have the same username on Webkinz, then you could put their username on Webkinz Newz there to help you remember. Example: Username (Nickname). WOULD THIS NOT BE AMAZING? This would be useful for real life friends or even family too. Or be able to sort your friends in your Kinzchat Phone like you can on your My Page. That would also be great. That’s just my idea, but I think it would be amazingly useful for helping people remember who is who.

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      • #978250


        ^^^ Yess. You were telling me about this is the park yesterday, and I still totally agree. That would be so helpful yes, ohmygosh. I still really want GANZ to update My Page. Eh, I could go through the reasons why but I have already gone through the “My Page Rant” so many times. I also wish The Forums/Newz would be a bit more friendly? Maybe updating the character icons, (Still no Lava Dragon which is making me so torquedddddd) and maybe allowing you to have a Tagline or something? c: I dunno. Maybe you could even upload your own profile picture! (Fisher) Maybe the phones could also use an update. Hm. But anywho, yeah! That actually would be amazingly useful, great idea again Emie c:

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      • #978787


        That would be so helpful!

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    5. #978046


      It would be awesome if we could buy deluxe membership through the Webkinz app and if there were larger estore point bundles with special items/discounts like on the ganz estore webkinz offered!!

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