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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 3 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #980844


      I have an atomicolicious idea! You should add a new Goober’s Atomic Adventure Lab called the ‘Radioactive Lab’ I think it has a nice ring to it! And as a new concept you could add is a new type of level, Like you have to collect 20 blue atoms in 15 moves or 30 slimes, or something like that, I think that would be really fun! As a trophy you could do goober holding one of the color blast things that you get when you combine 5 atoms of a kind. That would be really fun because Goober’s Atomic Adventure is one of the best games in Webkinz!

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    2. #980446


      Since you already work with Amazon, & google play apps don’t work well on most Kindles, I would be really great if at least the free Webkinz app was available on the Amazon App Store.

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    3. #980364


      today I found out that entering a kinzclip code doesn’t actually put them on the game and instead unlocks zumwhere [which I already have] I think it would be a lot more fun if you could have them on the game as a smaller pet. thanks for reading ~ziggyellie

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    4. #980102

      Btw Of Rooms It Would Be Really Great If We Could Sell Rooms I Have Over 100 rooms And If We Could Sell Them Or Move Them That Would Be Great

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      • #980105

        It would also be good if we could change the light level of the room

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    5. #979816


      ok so what i was thinking was that u can adopt a free pet to start a free account right. So what about having the free pets that are avalible at the time also avalible for the deluxe and full members to adopt on there accounts that would be cool bc right now I’m making free accounts so i can have the free pets that r offered my mom is a deluxe right now and she is doing the same thing. the free pets r cool and we want them so we make a new account to get them lol. thanks for reading this and hope to see free pets for adoption if at all possible in the future

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