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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 10 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1005161


      I really want the pet of the month music videos back!! They were really catchy & creative. Also vacations should be available to webkinz members not just deluxe members (I’m just a regular webkinz member with 49 pets and counting) because I remember taking vacations before it was deluxe and they were so much fun! But I can’t anymore because they’re deluxe :( and I’ve looked into being deluxe but it’s sooooo expensive. So please Ganz make vacations available to webkinz members!!

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    2. #1005031

      I have MANY ideas for new Webkinz pets. I will post them in another comment and update as I make more! I hope you take these pets into consideration, for it has taken a long while to make them all. Thank you for everything!

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    3. #1005030

      I have MANY ideas for new Webkinz. I will make another post sometime saying all the ideas that I have, including PSF and PSI. Hope you enjoy!

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    4. #1004977


      Since the money earned by games and employment doesn’t buy much, make it so that it can buy the same things that the store money can buy (if only on the game site). Since the store points are more valuable, maybe make it a four to one ratio. So if something costs 500 store points, make it 2000 game money.

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      • #1005032

        I have MANY ideas for new Webkinz pets. I will list them all in another comment and update as I make more. I will also list the PSF and PSI. I hope you take these pets into consideration, for it took a long while to complete them all. Thanks for everything!

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        • #1005034

          Webkinz Honey Bunny-PSF Hoppy Honey Bars-PSI Honey Hat. Webkinz Chocolate Shar Pei-PSF Chunky Chocolate-Covered Raisin-PSI Wrinkle Rollercoaster. Webkinz Cinnamon Ginger Googles-PSF Cinnamon Ginger Cake-PSI Spices Stove. Webkinz Ginger Jack Russell-PSF Joyful Gingerbread Cookie-PSI Ginger Jukebox. Webkinz Macaroni Penguin-PSF Macaroni Pizza-PSI Macaroni Rug. Webkinz Chinook Penguin-PSF Iceberg Ice Cream-PSI Comfy Chinook Chair. Webkinz Brown Walrus-PSF Marvelous Meatball Sub-PSI Tusky Tub. Webkinz Andean Bear-PSF Honey Halibut-PSI Awesome Trick Wall-when you click on the Awesome Trick Wall, your pet will stand in its hind legs with its front legs on the wall and lift up its front legs and turn around. Webkinz Manta Ray-PSF Yummy Plankton Pancakes-PSI Atlantas Swimming Pool. Webkinz Pilot Whale-PSF Meaty Fish Treat-PSI Black Whale Bed. Webkinz Beluga Whale-PSF Fresh Cod Fish Sticks and Tarter Sauce- kinda long, I know -PSI Airy Blowhole Geyser. Webkinz Pumpkin Spice Papillon-PSF Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow-PSI Pumpkin Spice Pantry. Webkinz Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel-PSF Cinnamon Shortcake-PSI Classy Cinnamon Sofa. Webkinz Pink Bichon Frise-PSF Cotton Candy Cake-PSI Curly Pink Piano. Webkinz Cinnamon Chow Chow-PSF Sweet Cinnamon Snickerdoodles-PSI Spectacular Cinnamon Stick Slide.

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          • #1005035

            Webkinz Purple Atelopus-PSF Fuchsia Fly Flan-PSI Perfect Purple Toadstool. Webkinz Stripy Sequin Spaniel-PSF Stripy Sequin Sherbet-PSI (Bonus Gift Box comes with White Striped Tights- they have a skirt on top -, Stripy Sequin Shirt, Shiny Sequin Shoes, and PSI is Sequins and Stripes Hat. Webkinz Firework Puppy-PSF Flashing Firework Fries- four fries in an x with a light in the middle and stars in between -PSI Fancy Firework Footstool. Webkinz Xoloitzcuintli-PSF Companionable Kibble-PSI Xoloitzcuintli Xylophone. Webkinz Marble Corgi-PSF Magnificent Marble Milkshake-PSI Multicolored Marble Mirror. Webkinz Siberian Cocker Puppy-PSF Affectionate Almonds- two almonds in the shape of a heart -PSI Caring Cot- a lilac cat with a scarlet heart on it -. Webkinz Labradinger Puppy-PSF Intelligent Ice Cream-PSI Labradinger Lamp. Webkinz German Sheprador-PSF Glorious German Pancake-PSI Tri-color Sheprafor Shelf.

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            • #1005040

              Webkinz Wottie Puppy-PSF Energetic Deviled Eggs- deviled eggs with a lightning bolt on them -PSI Wottie Wardrobe. Webkinz Bo-Jack Puppy-PSF Loyal Lamb Chop-PSI Sweet Love seat- a cyan blue love seat with a red heart on it -. Webkinz Cavalon Puppy-PSF Playful Puppy Chow-PSI Spotted Side Table- a round table with yellowish-tan sploshes -. Webkinz Shepherd Chow-PSF Patrol Peanut Butter Pancakes-PSI Fuzzy Footstool. Webkinz Tropical Toucan-PSF Flavorful Fruit Bowl-PSI Tangy Tropical Throne- a chair with banana legs, an apple bottom and a pineapple top -. Webkinz Pug Puppy-PSF Playful Puppy Pepperoni-PSI Rosy Rattle- a pink rattle with a red stripe -. Webkinz Platypus-PSF Swimmer’s Shrimp Scampi-PSI (Bonus Gift Box comes with Agent Hat, Locket Collar, and PSI is Webbed Water Bed -. Webkinz Dingo-PSF Outback Omelet(te)-PSI Tailed Sand Dune Trampoline. Webkinz Sparkle Dalmatian-PSF Super Sparkly Soup- sparkly bowl with four spotted legs, a black tail that has a white spot on the end, spotted soup, and a bone spoon -PSI Sparkly Spotted Dress- a dress with a fuzzy black top and a sparkly spotted white skirt -. Webkinz Brown Tuxedo Cat-PSF Caramel Catnip- brown catnip with tan caramel on top in a brown tuxedo bowl -PSI Tender Tuxedo Cat Hat- a brown tuxedo hat with a white stripe over the bottom and a brown bow with a white center -. Webkinz Opposite Panda-PSF Inverted Ice Cream Sandwich- two chocolate ice cream scoops with a white bar in between -PSI Reversed Rug- a rug with the panda’a face and tail on it -. Webkinz Flamingo-PSF Magenta Marmalade- a can of pink jam on its side with jam spilling out -PSI Lovely Sunset Cove- a lake with two flamingo statues with a sparkly red heart under their necks in front of the lake with a sunset with flying flamingos in the background -. Webkinz Basenji-PSF Friendly Kiwi- a kiwi with a tan basenji’s tail and a muzzle -PSI Yodeling Yoga Mat- a folded up yoga mat with a tan basenji’s tail and pattern -. Webkinz Mustache Squirrel-PSF Mustachios- pistachios with a big black bushy mustache -PSI Magnificent Mustache Motorcar- a car with brown bushy mustache on front -. Webkinz Emoji Puppy-PSF Scrambled Emoji Eggs- happy and sad emojis made if egg with a spoon in a yellow bowl -PSI Emoji Artwork Easel- an easel with a piece of paper on it with a sparkle on each corner of the paper and a smiley emoji in the center of the paper -. That was the last one… for now. I will say what the pets look like in another post.

            • #1005086

              Now for correcting typos. Cot, not cat, in “…a lilac CAT with…,” Sheprador, not Sheprafor, in “…PSI Tri-color SHEPRAFOR Shelf.,” Seat, not seat, just need to capitalize it, in “…Sweet Love SEAT- a cyan…,” for “…Outback Omelet…”, I put (te) because some people spell it like Omelet, others like Omelette. I forgot “a” and “the” in “…a car with A brown bushy mustache on THE front…”

            • #1005087

              Somewhere, I don’t know where, I put “if”instead of… well, “of” lol.

            • #1005147

              Webkinz Pumpkin Spice Papillon is a papillon dog with perked up ears, a white muzzle, white paws, a white chest, and a white spot on the tip of the tail and is a pumpkin spice color and has three black freckles on each side of the nose. Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow is pumpkin spice colored kibble with a green stem popping out in a red bowl with a white bone on it. Pumpkin Spice Pantry is a pumpkin spice colored pantry with a white muzzle, black nose, six freckles, ears, and a tail. Webkinz Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel is a cinnamon colored cocker spaniel with long silky ears, a white muzzle with a curved line coming off of it, white paws, a white stomach, and a cinnamon colored tail with white on the bottom. Cinnamon Shortcake is shortcake with cinnamon sugar on it, with whipped cream and a cinnamon stick on the side, which is all on a brown plate. Classy Cinnamon Sofa is a couch made of two shortcakes, the one on top has cinnamon sugar, the one on the bottom doesn’t, with a cinnamon stick on each side as a bar and cinnamon stick legs, with one cinnamon sugar

            • #1005160

              Webkinz Pink Bichon Frise is a pink Bichon Frise with a show cut and blue eyes. Cotton Candy Cake is a two layered white cake with a curly pink top and a light pink frosting line separating the two layers. Curly Pink Piano is a pink piano with a curly texture at the top. Webkinz Cinnamon Chow Chow is a dark red cinnamon color with a cream cheese colored stripe coming off its head to its head’s top and when it reaches the eyes, it turns into a v, there are three white freckles outlined with black on each side of the nose, it has a white stomach, white paws, a white curly line with points on the end of the leg fur separating the rest of the leg fur and the paws, and a white spot on the end of its tail. Sweet Cinnamon Snickerdoodles are two snickerdoodles with one on top, all flat, with cinnamon sugar on them, with a cinnamon stick on the side. Spectacular Cinnamon Stick Slide is a swirly slide made of half of a long swirly cinnamon stick, and when you click on it, your pet slides down the slide, into a pile of

            • #1005162

              Webkinz Firework Puppy is dark blue with white stars and fireworks of multiple colors all over, and on the tip of the tail is a dark blue tuft of fur. Fancy Firework Footstool is a dark blue footstool with two white stars and a gold firework on it. Webkinz Xoloitzcuintli is a black-brown hairless dog with floppy ears, a white stomach with black spots, white paws with black spots, and a long black-brown tail. Companionable Kibble is yummy brown kibble in a red bowl with a scarlet red collar hooked on around the middle of the bowl with a golden ID tag on the collar. Xoloitzcuintli Xylophone is a white and black striped xylophone with dark grey legs, and everywhere white has black spots. Webkinz Marble Corgi is a corgi that is light blue, light purple, and light pink, with a white muzzle with a curved line that goes up and stops near the top of the head, an orchid purple nose, a white chest, white paws, and a stubby light blue light purple light pink tail. Magnificent Marble Milkshake is a light blue light purple light pink milkshake with an orchid purple straw and three gumballs on the side

            • #1005165

              Webkinz Siberian Cocker Puppy is a tan puppy with a grey spot on its head that goes in between its eyes and around the other side of its eyes and onto its floppy ears and a grey spot that goes across its back and onto its long tail. Webkinz Labradinger Puppy is a black puppy with silky droopy ears and a white star on its chest. Intelligent Ice Cream is black ice cream with the same star on it in a tan cone. Labradinger Lamp is a black lamp with the puppy’s nose and ears. Webkinz German Sheprador is a black puppy with a tan circle around the eyes and muzzle, with a tan muzzle with a black top, a white line on its chest, tan front legs with a tan spot around them, half black half tan back legs, and a long black tail. Glorious German Pancake is a yellow German pancake with a tan top. Tri-color Sheprador Shelf has three shelfs, the top is black, the middle is tan, the bottom is white. Webkinz Wottie Puppy is a brindle puppy that is black with brown brindle lines, droopy ears, has a tongue sticking out, and has scruffy fuzzy

            • #1005181

              Webkinz Shepard Chow is a tan dog with a black muzzle that goes to the top of its head, furry ears, and a half tan half black curly tail. Patrol Peanut Butter Pancakes are a stack of eight pancakes with peanut butter and syrup on them with a blue police hat with a gold badge with a black paw print on the hat on the side. Fuzzy Footstool is a tan furry footstool. Webkinz Tropical Toucan is a light green-light blue toucan with light green spots around its eyes, a light blue beak, a darker light green-light blue wing, a long light green-light blue tail, green feet, and a white neck that goes to its beak. Flavorful Fruit Bowl is a bowl with one banana, two connected cherries, one orange, one lemon, one apple, and one pineapple inside, and the bowl is light blue with a light green zig-zag line in the middle of it. Webkinz Pug Puppy is a younger version of the Webkinz Pug and is tan with a black muzzle that goes around the eyes and muzzle wrinkles, black ears, and an almost curled tail. Playful Puppy Pepperoni is eight slices in a line with a nineth

            • #1005190

              Webkinz Dingo is a tan dingo with perked up ears, a white spot around its eyes and nose/muzzle, tan legs with a white spot around them, and a furry tan tail with a white tip. Outback Omelet/Omelette is a yellow omelet with green and red onion flakes and a fork on a plate. Tailed Sand Dune Trampoline is a trampoline that is held up by the dingo’s legs and has the dingo’s tail. Webkinz Sparkle Dalmatian is a Dalmatian with black ears, a black spot around the right eye, a black stomach, a black tail with a white tip, black spots, sparkles, and a tongue sticking out. Webkinz Brown Tuxedo Cat is a brown cat with a white muzzle, a white chest and stomach, white back paws, and a white tail tip. Webkinz Opposite Panda is a black panda with white ears, a white muzzle that goes around the eyes, a white nose, a white tail, and a white back. Webkinz Flamingo is a pink flamingo with a curled up tail, a black beak, black legs, a black outline on the wings, and a long curved neck. Webkinz Basenji is a tan dog with perked up ears, a white muzzle

          • #1005143

            Webkinz Macaroni Penguin looks like a macaroni penguin. Macaroni Pizza is pizza with cheese sauce and macaroni noodles on it. Macaroni Rug is a yellow rug with a yellow-orange outline and a yellow-orange macaroni noodle in the middle. Webkinz Chinook Penguin looks like a chinook penguin. Iceberg Ice Cream is flat ice cream that is whiteish-blue in a tan cone. Comfy Chinook Chair is a chair with the chinook pattern with wing front legs and foot back legs. Webkinz BrownWalrus is a brown walrus. Marvelous Meatball Sub is five meatballs covered in pizza sauce in a hot dog bun, with a drop of sauce falling down the bun. Tusky Tub is a brown bathtub with flippers, front and back, with tusks and whiskers. Webkinz Andean Bear looks like an Andean bear. Honey Halibut is halibut covered in honey. Webkinz Manta Ray looks like a manta ray. Yummy Plankton Pancakes are pancakes with plankton in them. Atlantas Swimming Pool is a clear pool with a sphere at the bottom and crystals and coral sponge. Webkinz Pilot Whale is a black pilot whale, if you don’t know what a pilot whale is, it looks like a black beluga with a back fin

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          • #1005134

            Webkinz Honey Bunny is a white bunny with a yellowish-tan spot on its back and the same color on its ears and top of its head. Hoppy Honey Bars are rectangular prisms that look spongey like cake and they are a little darker than the spot color. Honey Hat is a fedora that is the color of the spots and the stripe is the color of the bars. Webkinz Chocolate Shar Pei is a wrinkly black Shar Pei. Chunky Chocolate-Covered Raisin is a wrinkly raisin dipped in chocolate with a chocolate drop falling off of it. Wrinkle Rollercoaster is a rollercoaster that turns around gently with a seat that has a paw print on it in a rollercoaster car. Webkinz Cinnamon Ginger Googles is a light ginger colored Googles with a cinnamon colored stripe coming up starting from his beak and goes above his eyes and turns into a small v once it goes above his eyes, its beak and feet are the normal tan-orange color. Cinnamon Ginger Cake is a four layered ginger colored cake with three frosting lines to separate the layers, the top line is light blue, the middle is light purple, and the bottom is light

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            • #1005191

              Oops, sorry that the comments are out of order. Oh well.

        • #1005121

          I will also say what the PSF and PSI look like. If I didn’t, then it will be listed in a different comment. :)

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    5. #1004976


      Since there is not a lot you can buy with webkinz cash, make it so that things bought with estore points can also be bought with wcash. So if something is 500 estore points, it would be 2000 wcash.

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