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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1027154


      I too can’t complete level 9 at weight lifting class since I no longer have my old as the hills slow slow slow slow computer. Nothing helps to slow it up – have tried different browsers, loaded up programs and minimized to slow up – just still too fast. That’s a great idea about letting us skip with estore points like the challenges. If we can’t do it, we can’t do it. Glad I’m not the only one. Either that or revamp the weight class to take in account for the fast computer speed and re-work it. Thanks Ganz for listening.

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    2. #1027094


      I write because I am frustrated, to put it nicely. I have been playing in Webkinz for hours every day since 2009. I am an adult member. I am SOOOO tired of the screen freezing up and having to refresh it every time the pets talk, the amazing world crafting videos pop up, using arrows to move through the rooms or in the W-shop and anytime ‘stars’ pop up. One cannot play and win game challenges because they freeze up and time out. We should not have to refresh by minimizing the screen every 30 seconds! I have a new laptop, the most recent versions of google, firefox, java and adobe. I have turned off video ads in the parents’ area. I have nothing else saved on my laptop. I have high speed internet. Could you PLEASE either give us the ability to turn off the things that freeze the screen or upgrade your servers so they can keep up. One should not have to “please wait” every 30 seconds for an additional 30 seconds for the screens to load. In fact, I have had to “please wait” 3 times while trying to login to write this post. It is 2016. When one clicks on something, it should load instantly. This does not happen on other websites that I use. It has to be Webkinz-related. This started happening when you changed to Webkinz X where pets make requests and with all the ads you have loading. Who gives a crap about those ads?! I love playing Webkinz and am really, really frustrated. You are going to lose long time users, like myself, if this continues. Thanks for listening and please try to make improvements.

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      • #1031026

        Yup, I’m totally with you. Webkinz X ruined a lot of cool things that I used to count on, and frankly, it is now a lot more babyish. My daughter quit playing because of the new “babyish” look to the site. And so many things just don’t work like they’re supposed to. I’ve been playing since 2005, and I have SO MUCH STUFF!! The functionality of most or all of my older decorations, etc., is gone. And I appreciate that Webkinz has made small changes to the stuff bar, but frankly, I have probably 200 gifts that I don’t open because I know I’ll never remember where to find the items again. You should either be able to search, or at the very least, we should have LOTS more breakdown of items. The seeds are at the end of the food section, for goodness’ sake! You guys have been around long enough to know how things work in the on-line gaming world. And frankly, if you don’t keep your teen and adult players happy, you will lose the market share that actually spends most of the money!! Thanks for listening!! :)

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        • #1078314


          I totally agree with everyone on this page! Their losing people; especially the adults and the teens because the page likes babyish to bring a lot more little kids and now it’s moreā€¦ boring. I’m not trying to put down Webkinz, but there’s so many issues and problems because Webkinz want a younger audience to make the kids happy. While they did this they forgot all about the older players! Like preteens, teens and adults! :(

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      • #1078310


        I hundred percent agree! I actually sent a complaint once-twice before, and all they did is tell me they’re working on it. They’re losing people! Some of my Webkinz closest friends are now gone because of Webkinz X; I just hope they know that this is the reason people dissatisfied of the online game. I’m not saying Michigan rid of Webkinz X altogether, I’m just saying this is the solution I hope they’re working on now! :)

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    3. #1027073

      I too have trouble with the weight lifting class with my faster computer than I used to have. Would love to get the new prize, but I’m stuck dead in the water on level 9. No way can I get it to register with those narrow bars – my slow one I used to have worked great. Would be great if we could skip like we can in challenges with our estore points. Sometimes we just can’t do it and its not that we are lazy – but it’s computer issues. When I saw the other two posts above mine with same issues, glad I’m not alone. Please consider doing a skipping option. Thanks for everything you all do – WW is a fantastic place for kids as well as for us adults.

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      • #1027155


        I’m in the same boat.

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    4. #1025053


      Since I got my new FAST computer, I can’t do the strength level 9 anymore – it’s just too fast. Want the new graduation prize very much. My old slow as molasses computer worked great with the strength class. I’ve opened up WW in quite a few times at the same time and minimized them down hoping to slow up the speed, but to no avail. Would be nice if at level 9 & 10 we could opt out and use our estore points to skip like we can in the challenges – especially since computers are faster than ever nowadays. Back when I got all the other graduation items, my old slow one handled the 9 & 10 levels pretty easily, but no way on this one. I’ve tried a couple other computers from friends and at the library and same thing – just too fast to click in the narrow bars on the higher levels. Please consider this. Thanks. It’s the only class I have trouble with, with the fast computer. I can’t be the only one who has trouble.

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      • #1047695


        Please, Ganz, I believe I deserve to see ALL my pets on the My Pets roster. For the last few days, my roster is only showing me 95 of my 794 pets (plus Hamsters). I have played as a WW Deluxe member since June of 2010, and My Pets roster has ALWAYS displayed all of my pets. Traditionally, I would go to the pet that has not been played in the longest amount of time. The good thing with the new roster was that it wasn’t taking as long a time to go through them as it did before. Then a couple days ago I was trying to search if I already had the cocoa/chocolate lab (if not I was going to buy one), and my roster only showed me 95 pets! I wrote to WebKinz Support about it, and I got back a reply saying they have looked into my account and it is working properly. They added that they understand my concern and it’s been sent to “the appropriate department.” I’m so confused by this cryptic response. What do you think that answer means? It could mean, “Sorry, after 6 years of enjoying your money and loyalty, we’ve decided you only deserve to see a very small percentage (11%) of the pets you bought.” Or perhaps, “We’ve looked into your account, but we see that it’s showing you all 95 of your 95 pets.” Or maybe, “We find no malfunction on our check of your account, and yes, you should still be able to see all 794 pets.” Or even possibly, “Just be a good girl, play quietly, and don’t bug WebKinz support.” Clearly, each possiblity would need a very different response. I know I’m not the only player in WW with more than 95 pets; so if this was an intentional change, it royally stinks — especially considering that someone who has played Deluxe for >6 years and has over 95 pets has paid Ganz over $1500 (U.S.) in pet purchases and membership fees alone. That number for me is >$12,000, not to mention dollars spent in the Ganz eStore and WShop. I’ve also spent countless enjoyable hours in WW and really want to remain a loyal Deluxe member. Fairness, honesty and clear communication are key to all good relationships. Thus, my suggestion is to please show me all of my pets, and please give me a clear and forthright answer. And if this is the wrong place to put this, I’m sorry. I’m just feeling a bit “blown off” by the answer I got, and I don’t know any way to take my issue any farther.

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        • #1047717

          Key Master

          Hello RornDoone! Sorry for all of the confusion. When the “My Pets” section was revamped, it was designed so that it didn’t have to pre-load all of the pets at once (which would cause considerable delays on accounts with a lot of pets), so it will load 100 at a time. Once you scroll to the last one, though, it’s supposed to load another 100. Either way, you should also be able to search your pets by type or name — though you must use lowercase at the moment, since it won’t recognize capitals. Some of our usual advice is to clear cache, make sure you’re using the latest version of Chrome, and make sure you have a fast internet connection. If you’ve done all that and it hasn’t helped, please let me know and I’ll try to escalate it.

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        • #1101194


          YOU HAVE 794 PETS?!?!?! That’s amazing!

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    5. #1022641


      Hi Gantz,, I have what I think is a good suggestion… In the clubhouse exercise room could you make like a place for running, and also weight lifting some what compared to the Kinzville Academy Classes… This could be like training for the class in creativity, running .and weight lifting . I have heard many webkinz including myself that have a hard time with these classes.. this could be like homework all schools have homework Of course you could add other things but these I believe are what I have heard most webkinz having problems with.. My problem is on the newer computers they are fast so of course this hinders your performance… I am thinking that could be the case with others.. Thank you for listening and Thank you for all the great things you do for us…

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