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This topic contains 4,072 replies, has 1,474 voice, and was last updated by  willow143 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #882122


      Can there be some way to delete and move pets rooms around??? Thanks!

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    2. #882121


      Can there be a way to move your pets room around and to be able to delete them?

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      • #882357


        IGNORE THIS my computer lags, and so It was a while so I figured it didnt post!!!! :(((( Sorry!!!!

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    3. #882120


      A great suggestion I’d think would be if we were able to delete and move around our room plans. Like a small room could be refunded (if deleted) for 200 kc, a medium room for 600, and a large/underwater/outdoor/treetop could be refunded for 500, and to be able to move rooms could be no kinzcash at all!

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      • #882735


        Bows22 – wholeheartedly agree about being able to move/delete rooms, but i’d really like to get the full value back.

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        • #883122


          I would love to thank Exora for liking my idea! Especially when you have 178 rooms and dont use half

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    4. #882078


      seems like everybody’s ready for new Ganz World rewards. i’d like to suggest that some of the new items to be offered could be really huge prizes for a load of eStore points. like maybe 15,000 points for that gorgeous new fall bed or 20,000 for a cool new sports car. (also, u still have the Webkinz Friendz rewards up there . . . .)

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      • #882358


        I agree!!! I remember last Christmas when they put up some Christmas stuff, and it was so awesome I played Webkinz for a month straight without missing a day!! Id love and say its time for some new awesome prizes.

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    5. #882063


      can ganz please make all items tradeable and giftable. I bought an item using the gold and I wanted to gift it to a friend and I didn’t know I can’t gift it so now I’m stuck with it and used my gold.. Also I would like to trade some of the gifts I got out of the super surprise boxes, but those items are not tradeable.

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      • #882219


        prima78 – i totally agree! i think if i spend my money/moneyz/kinzcash/eStore points, it should belong to me and i should be able to decide what to do with it. and i know there’s a concern about children getting cheated, but that’s a hard lesson that has to be learned sometime and better now than when they’re older and lose something that’s really important. and aren’t younger children supposed to be supervised by parents? when my niece was five, i used to sit down right beside her to play webkinz. i would never have left her alone on the internet!

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        • #882365


          I agree that it’s a harsh world out there and that kids eventually have to learn that. However, what if their parents bought them the things that were hypothetically stolen (e.x. restore items or points)? I don’t think that they need to learn the aforementioned lesson and I know that GANZ also doesn’t want angry letters from parents saying that their money was wasted. With that being said, I do wish that you could sell Estore items, but you could just as easily get them back (putting the “purchase history” tab to good use) within 30 days or their purchase. I also think that if said items are sold, they should be exchanged for the same amount of Estore points (since they cost real money and all). I think being able to sell Estore points is a lot safer than trading or sending them, because no matter what the only account that the items will go on is yours. That’s my opinion, anyways; there are probably a lot of potential flaws in this idea that I’ve overlooked, so by all means point them out. :)

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          • #882734


            Fracktail, i think ur ideas about the eStore points are really, really great! how about it, Ganz?! and the 30-day thing is a great idea for all purchases. i bought a wrought iron fence piece and it won’t go into my yard, so now i can only get half of my kinzcash back for it? man, that really sucks.

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