Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 4 hours, 32 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1161157

      So, here are some suggestions for a few pets for the following months. September’s Featured Pets: POTM: Jelly Bean Puppy And just featured: Birthday Cake Googles and Confetti Yorkie October’s Featured pets: POTM: Black Cat And Just featured Boobunny and Blackberry Bat. That’s all I have for suggestions

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    2. #1160484


      I would love to see more questions in Quizzy’s Question Corner. Now that I’ve run out of questions to play, the site just isn’t as fun anymore. I’d also love to see more mobile games for non-deluxe members.

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    3. #1160310


      Bring back the contests on Webkinz World and on the app put more games on it.

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    4. #1159445

      Webkinz has been online for a very long time with tons of success and seems to want to be an inclusive community. However, I’ve noticed that there is no colour-blind options on the various arcade games that are colour based (such as Goobers Lab). And as a non-binary individual, not having to select a gender when adopting a pet- or, adding an third, other option -would be a great way to make children outside of the binary stream feel more included. Stories that include LGBTQ+ characters that are still age-appropriate are a great way to allow LGBTQ+ children to feel more normal and accepted!

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    5. #1156643


      So Ganz, I thought it would be fun and cool if you made more creative Webkinz like dragons and puppies and I found you made more signatures and make them mythical creatures!

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