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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by bunnychan 1 day, 20 hours ago.
Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.
Can you please reveal another mega stove recipe for me
I wish they would bring Mazin’ Hamsters back! I LOVED that game! I played it 24-7! Also I thought it might be nice to have a forum for roleplays and maybe stories. If there is already a forum for this, please tell me! Thanky, silver1298
This is concerning the mobile app. I really want to see some more games added to the arcade in the mobile. I really like Pizza Palace, and Where’s Wacky. I would like to see Wishing Well 2 be added as well because it can be a hassle to get online or when you can’t get online to play your daily games. I hope the mobile version gets some love as much as the online version.
Can you please bring back Dicekinz? It was so much fun.
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