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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 20 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1384108

      I think it would be helpful for there to be a way for us to request a pet name or gender change because sometimes we make dumb mistakes and hate ourselves because it is then permanent. I have this pet named “ilver stream” it was supposed to be called Silver Stream. And I have this other pet named Fiona that I made a boy instead of a girl. I know gender doesn’t matter as much because they look gender nuetral and you can dress it however you want, but I think it would be helpful. I don’t think it would make sense to have a button where you can change the name or gender whenever you want at any and every second of the day because that would be hectic and ruin the fun, but I think if someone made an honest mistake, they should be able to request a name or gender change and you can assess it and choose if you will follow through with the request. That would be sooo helpful for so many people. :)

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      • #1387716

        I agree with you 100%! I have a reindeer named Rudolph who is a girl, but he is really a boy, it was a simple mistake.

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    2. #1382542


      Can You add My Page Back in webkinz world. This was a cool feature where people could see what you like and your favorite room.

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    3. #1382528

      Webkinz is my favorite website to be on, but for some reason it lags soo bad, then it pops up and says “oh nuts and bolts something went wrong.” This drives me crazy especially when I’m trying to play games in the arcade and do ability for kinzville academy, I always end up failing because it lags. So can yo maybe try and fix the lag? Thank you!

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    4. #1382524


      This is something I thought up years ago, so it may have some holes, but what if Webkinz opened a diner? And on the menu, you got a plush Webkinz with your order, so that way you have a nice meal and a Webkinz to adopt when you get home! If it’s your birthday you could have a say in which Webkinz you got, but otherwise it would be completely random. It would be decked out in Webkinz wallpaper and decorations, just like in the virtual rooms! If this works, it could be a real boost in the popularity of Webkinz itself, because I’ve started to notice less and less knowledge and selling of Webkinz in my area. There could be a Webkinz diner in every state! Please consider this.

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    5. #1382294


      Hey @SallyWebkinz maybe the moniters or whoever made the game could make a machine so if you want to trade in something you have you can get a pet medallion, but you have to have a certian amount of Kinzcash to give if you want to make the exchange.

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