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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1764752


      I have a few suggestions I hope Webkinz/Ganz will think about: (These are for both regular Webkinz Members and Deluxe Members. Making it fun for ALL!)

      1. Come up with an easier way to use the WShop. Maybe have an additional WShop JUST for eStore points! It’s annoying to have to scroll through TONS of eStore points items, when you can’t always BUY eStore items! (Like in the Room Themes! Waaay too many eStore rooms!!!!)
      2. NO food on ANY of the Prize Wheels! Please! It is SO annoying to get food when you are trying to win a nice prize. (Maybe have eStore seed packs instead!)
      3. SLOW DOWN the shot arrow on the Wheel of Tokens (Wishes)! It’s hard enough to earn Tokens. Also, NO food or KC on Wheel of Tokens either!
      4. Phase out the “Family Heart Meter” thing! Personally, I love the prizes, but I really hate having to stop and do a job/game/or having to buy something I don’t want!
      5. And, last, but not least, improve the Curio Shop selections! We keep seeing the same items for sell, over and over. We need more of the “retired” themes, like Ancient Egypt, Medieval, Aztec,

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      • #1764836


        I agree with you. Also, it would be good to have a week (or maybe spread it out so those with not much kinzcash can still buy items they want) where they bring back all the old themes so that new players can buy them or maybe put them back in the Curio shop so we can buy them again instead of the endless same items. There were some lovely themes that I have in my accounts, but new players haven’t had the pleasure of owning. Can someone also make the Weight Lifting school class much easier. I am playing on a small lap top with arthritic fingers, so I have no chance to complete beyond the lower levels. It’s no fun if everyone doesn’t have a chance of completing their classes, we’re not all crack games players. Thanks.

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        • #1773430


          I agree! My computer is relatively fast and i don’t have too much trouble clicking but i have got to level…..8? maybe? and only complete the class once in a blue moon! it needs making easier! I really want to get the diploma but if i can’t complete strength i will be unable to do so!

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      • #1764856


        They didn’t post all of my comments, so here is the rest: We need more of the “retired” themes, like Ancient Egypt, Medieval, Aztec, among others. And have ALL the furniture pieces, not the same ones over and over. Why not have the Seasonal Themes like Medieval Halloween or SantaKinz themed items? And, just MAYBE have them not cost so freaking much? NOTHING should be over 1000KC!
        6. Okay….just ONE more! PLEASE improve the storage Docks! It takes FOREVER to find things! Maybe more tabs? Or, rename the items with the ‘theme’ as the first word, or words. Example: In the School Theme, you have “Classroom Chalkboard” and “Student Desk”. If you have these two items in your dock, they will not be near each other, as the letter C, comes before the letter S. Rename the “Student Desk”, “Classroom Student Desk”. Then they should be near each other in the dock. (I may not be explaining this very well, but hopefully you will understand what I mean.) And, yes, it’s true that some items are next to each other, but not all! Having to scroll/click through your dock all the time just to find one item, get old really

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      • #1765238


        In regards to what you wrote about the heart meter: Isn’t that the point of owning a Webkinz, let alone any kind of pet–to make them happy and satisfied, whether you’d like to or not?

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        • #1765818


          Sorry, gromit! I just now saw your question. And, yes, you are right, it is to make them “happy and satisfied”, but I would just like it do be at least, less frequent, or an option. Every single time I am in The Club House, or working on a Challenge, or moving and/or decorating my rooms, I have stop and buy something I don’t want, go play a game I don’t like or am not good at, or go do an activity with my pet like swim, walk on the treadmill, etc, etc. It’s becoming more of a ‘chore’ than something for ‘fun’! I am on WW probably more than I should be. I am there several times a day, for at least an hour or more each time. I just want to play with my pet without the distraction of the Heart Meter. And, the Heart Meter is NOT the point of owning a Webkinz Pet. The point of owning a pet is to have fun playing games, decorating rooms, working on challenges, jobs, and school. Not stopping every few minutes to fill-up a Heart Meter! If you like it, that’s great. I do not.

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          • #1785446


            I can see the frustration if you have many pets. I’m aware of some players owning hundreds of pets, on multiple accounts even (I couldn’t do that). When I had 4 pets, I thought that was a lot. So I understand that it may be a chore. I guess when it’s more about collecting, it kind of backfires. Maybe they will change this, who knows.

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          • #1787580


            When I don’t want to be bothered by pet requests, I just put my pet to bed until I’m ready to interact with him/her. You can still play games, go to the park, clubhouse, etc. while your pet is asleep. Saves a bit of hassle.

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      • #1772870


        as for number 4, my personal solution is that i have a ‘pet requests’ room in which there is a bes, shower, bath, sink, trampoline, treadmill & swimming pool. each morning i get each of my pets to use the items in the room thus filling up the heart. Though i guess the more pets there are (i have 8) the harder it becomes.

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    2. #1763926

      add the blue sky berry to jumble-berry fields. cause you have the seed and item like it so why not.

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    3. #1759050


      Deleting rooms pleaaase

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    4. #1758632


      Ooh, another random suggestion: being able to customize doors in rooms (like change the style, move them around?). They never go with the themes…

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    5. #1758630


      This is a long suggestion, and of a more serious nature, regarding ideas about if Webkinz were ever to close down. Hopefully that won’t happen, but if it does I’d love for these ideas to be implemented. I’m sure more players than just myself have experienced frustration with so many beautiful new themes/items only being available for estore points. I propose that if Webkinz were to ever close down on purpose, and it was planned out, that for a few months or so beforehand every item in Webkinz be available for free, or at least for kinzcash. That way players could have a blast creating the rooms they always wanted to but never could in the past. However I believe a longer lasting alternative would be a downloadable app/game for a PC that would have all the games and items (without Deluxe or estore restrictions of course) so that people could continue to enjoy Webkinz for a long time. Of course certain features wouldn’t be able to truly be ported over, but it would still have a lot of long-lasting fun content. Apologies for the somewhat grim subject matter but I couldn’t stop thinking about it XD

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