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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 2 days, 4 hours ago.

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    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2027455


      I think there should be a Webkinz bank! It would be really good for teaching children how to invest their money and not spend it all it once. It could kind of ben like a saving song account where they can put their Kinzcash.

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    2. #2026863


      Hello, Webkinz! Gosh, this brings me back. I remember being in elementary school and constantly submitting ideas through the newspaper section, like asking for interactive sinks and bathtubs, a blue Googles (I don’t know why but I really specifically wanted that color and it ended up happening haha), a polka dot theme, certain furniture items, and other things. It was always so cool to see some of those concepts come to life, even if it wasn’t because of me. Now I have another suggestion… I know that the plushies are sort of going away, but what about some kind of other physical merchandise? Maybe bigger stuffed animals aren’t as popular as they used to be, but with the kawaii movement becoming more prevalent, so many of my friends are getting cute small animals and items that remind them of their childhoods. I thought it would be awesome if we could do that with Webkinz! If you know about Tsum Tsums, that’s kind of what I’m thinking, or really anything adorable like that. Maybe even a code for a small item could be unlocked, like the Webkinz clothing you used to be able to get for your stuffed animal. I would

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    3. #2026753

      I think that you should be able to rename your pets, because some of my pets have REALLY awful names, and I regret it and wish I could make them better…

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    4. #2020227

      Each day the your webkinz asks you do so something with him/her. Responding builds your Family Score. Our webkinz frequently ask us to buy items we already own. I think it would be nice if they did not do that, so children were not encouraged to buy items they already own just to get a new one. Webkinz can really help with young children making financial choices. Being pressured to spend their Kinz cash poorly by their pet takes away from that. I would be nice if our webkinz family already owns an item that the webkinz wants that we could play with the one we have to make the pet happy.

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      • #2025831


        totally get it. 3 years back, when I was little, my pet asked me for a car that cost me about 400 estore points. ._. then they started asking me to get them diner clocks… pretty much every day. I am getting really tired of it. I like your suggestion a lot. thanks!! -pompoms

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      • #2026865


        Yeah, it could be something like, “Can I play with [x]?” That way if you already have the item, you can just drag and drop it into the room and it would trigger the success response. If you don’t have it, you can buy it then do the same. This would function similarly to the requests to eat certain foods. I like it!

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    5. #2018703


      HI, i have a few: first is to have retired or deluxe toys taken off the list of “favorite toys”- – i still get pets saying that the dr. quack toy is their favorite, but it is unavailable to purchase. and i get some who want ms birdy or other deluxe toys, and its just not fair to the people who can’t afford or who’s parents don’t want to pay for a deluxe membership. second is to take away the “ok” button after harvesting farm foods. im sure like me, most people have a whole room (maybe more!) dedicated to farming, and to have to click “ok” after every single crop is annoying. i can see keeping it if we click one that is not ready by accident, but take it away from the ready crops for faster harvesting. third, i am not sure if this is a me issue or glitch as a whole, but after i do a quick tournament of any game, i have to ex out of the page as nothing loads. i have tried on other computers, so i dont believe that is the issues. that should be all..for now ;)

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      • #2037405


        Oh I so agree with the extra OK click after harvesting items. So annoying. If it is ready to pick it should just appear in your dock. And if not then the not ready for harvesting message can appear. And if you remember many years ago we had to water all the plants. OH MY that was discouraging. Occasionally my computer glitches after I play Jumbleberry Fields, Fairy Falls and Magic Mure. I just deal with it.

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