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This topic contains 4,072 replies, has 1,475 voice, and was last updated by  dipstick2001 6 hours, 14 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #885058


      I think that the W-Shop should bring back the “cash register” screen (for lack of a better name). Sometimes I’ll be looking for wallpaper and flooring, but I don’t know if two pieces will look good together. I used to be able to see them both side by side and judge based on that, but now the only way to look at different combinations is to buy them yourself. This is extremely frustrating for me because usually the first match I pick doesn’t look good, so then I will have just wasted KinzCash on something I don’t like.

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    2. #884854


      I think there needs to be a search function in the W-shop, and also a way to narrow down the categories that are already there. Like, when you go to the Flooring section, there should be a section under that for floors that require Estore points to buy, and categories for types of floors like wood and tile. Or you could have an option for whether or not you want to see Estore merchandise in the W-shop at all. I would also like for there to be more carpet floors.

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      • #885078


        YES YES YES

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      • #885170

        love this idea! I completely agree!

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    3. #884839

      ALSO!! Can you make another way to get actions!!

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      • #885077


        I love that idea

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    4. #884838

      PLEASE MORE WOLVES, like…… a webkinz arctic wolf, webkinz signature black wolf, webkinz red wolf, webkinz moon wolf <3 (i've wanted that for soooo long)!! and a winged wolf! Can you make birthstone cats? even though i LOVE the dogs (i have one!) but birthstone cats would be so cute!! OR BIRTHSTONE WOLVES!!

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      • #885169

        wolves are so cool and beautiful animals! love them!

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    5. #884752

      I know the staff members have limited time to read suggestions but something that would be a cool addition would be adding new TV shows. Right now the same shows just cycle over and over again and it gets kind of boring so please consider

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      • #885076


        That is so true

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      • #885168

        good idea @silverwolf2816! more tv shows would be nice

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