Make Suggestions!

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2282829


      I’d love an adjustment to the Token pets – since Signatures are available but are technically not made anymore, 1)I’d love more than anything to have a shot at other unavailable pets like the Sparkling Pegasus, Sweet Tooth Tiger and Egyptian Mau. They could still cost plenty – but at least they’d be attainable. 2) I’d like the chance to narrow the field of what pet tokens could be gotten. I already have most of the pets available in tokens and it’s already expensive and time consuming to wait until a pet has 10 tokens, which only exchange for ONE Anypet.

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    2. #2282821


      I’ve been saying this for YEARS – I really, really, REALLY want at least part of Webkinz profits to go to real animals – starting with the most threatened. This would be an amazing support for them and might help Webkinz get more attention too.

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    3. #2282607


      I really like the game Get Eleven Solitare and Eager Beaver Adventure Park so I wanted to suggest making those into mobile apps! I’m not a huge fan of solitare but I like Get Eleven, and I like the style ofthe Eager Beaver word game compared to others.

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    4. #2282581


      I will love they make plushies again. At least a new plushie a year, so we could get a chance to see and get a new webkinz. It could be a one from one of the online only pets or one completely new. Also it would be cool to be able to remove or delete rooms completely, selling them will be nice. Been playing since im 8 years old and there are rooms I would like to update or get rid off since I regret creating them or are now too small for the purpose I created them more than ten years ago.

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      • #2282809


        Unfortunately plushies take up room, of which is short in supply for me, though I still love a lot of them. I absolutely agree with the room situation – I have hundreds of pets and I’d love to sell the tiny rooms and have the opportunity for even bigger ones with all the large items now available. I really wish Ganz would go back to offering more good room themes for Kinzcash – I’ve got more than I know what to do with since pretty much everything is all Estore all the time now.

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      • #2282831


        At the very least, it’d be nice to have an Upgrade button for the rooms. That way if it’s too much work to delete them, there would be another option.

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      • #2284113


        I completely agree with FluffyAngel! I have accidentally bought rooms that I don’t want and can’t get rid of them, I would really like if we could sell them.

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    5. #2280551


      I’m new here, but I made a bunch of posts with Webkinz pet suggestions on WI, under “Ideas for Ganz”. I also made the Webkinz pet suggestion game (obviously in the game section).  There are TONS of REAL animals that a lot of people would never guess were based off real animals!

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