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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2331885


      I think that we should have more community challenges similar to the one we have now. I remember a few years ago we had community challenges where we would get together to earn a certain number of points in a game and we could track our progress on a page in the newspaper. The tracking aspect made it much more fun because we knew how much we had left which made it easier to ensure that we were doing what was needed to complete the challenge. The current challenge lacks this tracking feature and is based on number of plays which becomes annoying because it incentivizes playing the game poorly instead of trying our best to play the full game as it was intended.

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    2. #2331871


      Here’s something people would go crazy for, adding the signature husky and the signature timber wolf to buy as virtual pets. It would be amazing since the prices for their codes on eBay are ridiculous.

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    3. #2331821


      i think that there should have a octagon room and the furniture could have angles!

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    4. #2331815


      just a random thing, i have an old account: kittycat1322 it was my brother’s old account, but i forgot the password, i have tried and tried with all the usual passwords he uses but none of them work, can someone plz help!?

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      • #2333551

        Make a new password? In case you don’t know how, click on “Change Password” in the log-in screen.

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    5. #2329927


      Can someone help me please? Also Webkinz you should read this… so i was thinking… in the Moble App, instead of only a couple activity’s why not all the activity’s? So say you go in “Thing’s To Do” on Moble, and there’s only like 5 thing’s, why can’t you make the Moble App just like the Website? Because if Adobe Flash Player turns off, what else are we gonna do? It would be really cool if you could go everywhere like you can on the Webkinz World Website. It would be SO cool if i could go to ether the Clubhouse-(KinzChat or KinzChat PLUS). On Moble. You guy’s should add everything on Webkinz on Moble. Like The Curio Shop, the Employment Office, the Kinzville Academy, the Free Video’s & Free Prizes, the Adventure Park, the Kinzville Park, the Tournament Arena, more Games in the Games Arcade, the Webkinz Stadium, Quizy’s Question Corner, the KinzStyle Shop, Today’s Activity’s, the Magical Forest, Vacation Island, the Wish Factory, the Code Shop, Music Starz, the Kinzville Map, News Paper, and Webkinz News. Basically everything on Webkinz World Online. I hope you guys do. Please do. It would be a great thing for all

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      • #2332095


        i totally agree with you frozenanna2 i wish that they had all the stuff from the regular site. :( ;)

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      • #2337527


        Frozenanna2, I agree with you! We REALLY need this to happen! :-)

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      • #2353507

        I agree with frozenanna2 the Mobile App should be more like the website.

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