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    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2378309


      Hey Ganz team I love Webkinz but have a few bugs a to report! Please fix them also im making a second post with my ideas as it doesn’t all fit and hope you reply to both!


      1- I’ve run into a problem where I can’t switch color zones.

      2- I’ve run into a problem where I can’t invite someone on my friends list over.

      3- Only a tv in the clubhouse works like it should.

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      • #2388235

        Unfortunately, those aren’t bugs, that’s the way it’s been for everyone for several years.

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    2. #2378077


      Hey Ganz team I love Webkinz but have a few things I’d like to talk about as well as to report some bugs. I’ve run into as well as ideas to improve the game. As I feel some things in the game are really tedious or should be brought back. Please take the time to consider my suggestions because they will definitely help! Please Use Them!


      1- I’ve run into a problem where I can’t switch color zones.

      2- I’ve run into a problem where I can’t invite someone on my friends list over.

      3- Only a tv in the clubhouse works like it should.

      Bring back

      1- I loved my page and hope you will bring it back


      1- Trading is really tedious to get everything so what I think you should do as well as trading. Is that you make every furniture item, wallpaper, flooring room theme, code, decoration, outside item, clothing item, dispenser, pet buddy and pet specific item for the pets you have as well as virtual versions of the pets buyable including all the retired items, prize pool items and things like challenge items or the collection items or like the fest items

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    3. #2378065

      I realy wish would we could send what ever is in our docs to another player. if its mine and another player is a full member why cant i send it.

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    4. #2377953


      So ganz i have alot of problems i’d love fixed. For one thing i think any item ever in the game clothing furniture or otherwise should be buyable and brought back with kinzkash because estore is too expensive and i really want a bunch of every item in the game and most of its impossible to get through trading. Also i’d love if you could make Kinzkash easier to get and room sizes need an upgrade including for the outdoor and indoor rooms any room should have giant sizes. So decorating is easier and items are readily available no matter what the item is furniture, wallpaper flooring, decor you name it. It all needs to be easily accesible cause its not fair for those who can’t get kinzkash to have to trade when hardly anyone is willing to help out or has the oldest items! i’d also apreciate if you could fix not being able to invite people over as well as the tvs! Its been a pain in the tail for me to do anything in the game because of lack of kinzkash, prize pool items being too rare , or no help with the prize pools, themes retire

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    5. #2377951


      I have a couple issues i really want fixed for one thing i think every item that is or was in the game needs to be easier to get Kinzkash also needs to be way easier to get and stuff from prize pools after the pool is over should be buyable with Kinzkash along with everything else that ever was in the game another problem i have is room sizes there just too small ! trading is also tedious i wouldnt mind help getting alot of every item in the game and bigger rooms to make my webkinz house look cool also i’ve noticed i cant invite anyone over and need it fixed please !

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